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11-03-11 : un disegno per il Giappone

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view post Posted on 21/3/2011, 21:19 by: isotta72     +1   -1


Ho ricevuto una email da Ieko con una richiesta a cui non possiamo che rispondere in massa:


I'm fine! thank you.
And thank you for your kindness.

If you think of doing something for Japanese sufferers,please donate for them from Italian Red Cross.

We can't do anything without donation because the damage was too bad.
A lot of people want to help as the voulanteer but even now it's difficult for general people to visit to the damaged area.

And If you have some drawings with message for victims from Italian Grendizer fans, please send me.
I'll show them on my blog in the day after tomorrow.
Maybe the drawings are better just like something make people smile....fun.

Then Ryo's area isn't restored enough. So you should better wait to send your parcel.

Isotta, you always encourage us a lot.
I'm really glad to see with you.
Thank you.

Quindi... rimboccarsi le maniche!!! :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo:

E chi non disegna.. credo che un pensiero in inglese possa andare benissimo!

Chibi.. se qualcuno vuol partecipare dalla Francia, metti il link sull'Invincible.. diventerà contributo italiano e francese!

Chi partecipa?


GIAPPONE: UN SMS AL 45500 PER DONARE 2 EURO - La Croce Rossa Italiana in sostegno delle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto e dallo tsunami. Attivata raccolta fondi

A seguito del terribile terremoto che ha devastato il Giappone, la Croce Rossa Italiana ha avviato una raccolta fondi in sostegno delle popolazioni colpite dal sisma e dallo tsunami.
Per donare 2 euro alla Croce Rossa Italiana "Pro Emergenza Giappone" è possibile inviare un SMS da cellulari TIM, Vodafone, Wind, 3, CoopVoce, Tiscali o da telefono fisso Telecom, Infostrada, Fastweb, Teletu e Tiscali al numero 45500.

I contributi raccolti dalla CRI saranno impiegati per supportare le attività di assistenza della Croce Rossa Giapponese a favore delle persone colpite, in stretta collaborazione con la Federazione Internazionale della Croce Rossa e della Mezzaluna Rossa e con il Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa.
Oltre all'invio di un SMS, le altre modalità per donare sono:

* Donazione online sul sito www.cri.it - causale "Pro emergenza Giappone";
* Bonifico bancario - causale "Pro emergenza Giappone" - IBAN: IT 19 P 01005 03382 000000200208
* Conto corrente postale n. 300004 intestato a: "Croce Rossa Italiana, via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma" - causale "Pro emergenza Giappone"

image by: dhrdhr

image by: Runkirya

image by: Brand Toei

image image image by: goldrakedaigokin

image image ( in alternative, choose the one you like most, Ieko) by: Isotta


From two Canadian friends to the Japanese friends by: Aramis and Mya

Our friends ask for a smile.
In a smile you may find strength and hope to go on, so you don’t feel alone struggling; you can find a friend’s hug thousands of km away from you, that smile, in the end isn’t so far away, but next to you!

by: Venusia 71

image by: H. Aster

In these terrible days I sincerely admired the Japanese people, strong and gentle, able to stand up again and look ahead. You are an example for all of us. Thanks for the lesson of strength, dignity and education that you are giving to the world.
by: H. Aster

image by: Haris von Hayeser

image by: Kizzychan

image by: AramisCB

Ieko, girls. It 's always difficult to find proper words in these situations.
However, the strength and the desire to rise again and the great dignity shown by all of you teach a lot. It teaches to never give up though things may be difficult difficulties. It teaches to look ahead and to continue to believe in the future. Bent, but never broken.
I can not find many words to express what happened to your country, but I have read and admired the thoughts of other friends of the forum. In them I felt all the excitement and the warmth and this has also pushed me to write these few lines. I want to be close to all of you and all those affected by the disaster. I would like to give you all the solidarity and affection I felt on this occasion and how distances dividing us disappeared for a few moments, Girls, I'm near you with a smile to continue and a hug to comfort.
Thank you for enriching our lives with your presence.
by : Lela72

image by Kotetsu73

On Fumetto d'autore


by Tuttocartoni and Ilcontedicagliostro

by Kojimaniaca

by Rubina71

Un angelo dagli occhi a mandorla

Ti ho visto in un sogno,
mio angelo fiero e coraggioso,
lo sguardo triste e pensieroso.

Le grandi ali bianche spiegate,
le forti braccia spalancate
in un immenso, unico abbraccio.

Eri lì per tutta quella gente
ormai senza più niente,
tranne forza e dignità!

Migliaia di anime ferite,
ma non domate,
non dal dolore sopraffatte.

Persone che tra mille difficoltà
cercano un po' di normalità.

Tu, loro custode
soffri per loro, li consoli,
li inciti e incoraggi,
Giappone coraggio, rialzati!

Il mondo intero risponde a quel grido,
risorgi Giappone,
rialzati angelo dagli occhi a mandorla!

By Rubina71

An angel with almond-shaped eyes

I saw you in a dream,
my proud and brave angel,
your eyes sad and pensive.

your white large wings spread out,
your strong arms opened wide
in a huge, single hug.

You were there for all those people
who have lost everything
but their strength and their dignity.

thousands of wounded souls,
but not tamed,
not by sorrow overcome.

People that among thousands of difficulties
are looking for normality.

You, their guardian angel,
suffer for them, console them,
spur and encourage them
Nihon gambare,
cheer up Japan, stand up!

All the world answers to that call,
rise Japan,
stand up angel with almond-shaped eyes.

image image by Selkis

image by RYOMA-C4DTEAM-

This drawing is called "Pray for Japan." I made this drawing because Japan has hard time.
image By En-Uk, 11 years old, Seoul (South Korea)

image image by:joe 7

image by: GODZILLA - GranMasterZilla

Thread sul Blog di Ieko:


I commenti arrivati sul blog di Ieko:


Good evening.
Sites in Italy, thank you for your help.
Everyone, really hot, but conveys a caring message.

I'm still in the affected area now.
I think there are a lot of challenges.
This time the victims fall prey too ... but I did office, many thought.
… Can cooperate with (blood donations and transportation of goods ...) on it ...
"Seiippai live now" "We are smiling"
That it can be important. I think so.
I hope as many people as possible have this message.
Love that cross the ocean from the other side of the Earth is a great gift!
Pray for Japan, Japan Good luck!
And love from Italy!

Thanks a lot! For you of dear… Thanks a lot! For you of dear ...


From around the world, relief supplies and warm messages, Thank you for supporting the relief really.
Japan will have reconstruction.
Everybody in Italy, just you watch


I'm worried about me so many people. I am very glad your mind.
I have stood many times.
Now I also believe that the time it takes surely bounce back.
Please look.


We have different language but it is the same country.
Way to go too far without abandoning hope.

There's always tomorrow. There's always tomorrow. (Not the night come in the morning)


Thank you.
Thank you Thank you
We shall over come! We shall over come! ! !


That conveys your kind heart of Italy.
Everybody,thanks a lot!! Everybody, thanks a lot!!
I feel that moving of yours, all feel very worried that the destination of this ... (our house is not affected directly, but the difficult and different for earthquakes
But I'm rooting for me so that people around the world, I will get the courage to think you worried about me!

Peace and tranquility is the only pray.


I'm also in this eastern earthquake, but we do not live in rural areas of direct damage (which affects the work I've left), the illustrations I saw a message of encouragement from our people in Italy to, I was impressed

I guess you have a tender heart that everyone

Festivals and events will be canceled for self-restraint and mood is widespread but tend to be dark atmosphere throughout Japan Only this time, bright and positive I want to work hard

I received courage from the people of Italy
Thank you

Asakura Makoto:

Quip has not come up, the Italian just thrilled you for thinking of things that Japanese people have far other countries, of course, is appreciation.

I'm in the area of damage, too.
I can only pray, but donations are delivered to you believe in such a small prayer every single affected areas.
Recovery from a long way to go, so, the physical strength to put Okanaku here!
Na wow, everybody's like Gren!
Really good thing to see. Thank you.


It is very masterpiece -
Until those of you that Some people write thank you
Conveys the hard heart of Japan intends to support.
Encouragement from those who share what you like and are pretty special and happy occasion.
You all have gentle heart.
Everyone in Italy, thank you very much

I thread gemelli postati su altri blog giapponesi:

Ryo Hirokawa:








Segnalo una iniziativa simile in questo sito francese ( suggerito da Taburn :) ) :

Edited by runkirya - 13/4/2011, 13:23
276 replies since 21/3/2011, 21:19   5285 views