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view post Posted on 10/9/2011, 22:02     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



Excuse me: due to commitments, I had to postpone the episode! It will be posted September 20, sorry for the inconvenience!

:dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito:
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view post Posted on 20/9/2011, 10:06     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. They have had a son, Rex, but he was kidnapped by a mysterious being called Dark One, who commands an enormous army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru has disappeared and ended up in the Earth colony of Betelgeuse, at the home of Professor Nakashima. Daisuke asks for help to the Earth, and depart, with the two spacecrafts Cosmo Special (a terrestrial one and a fleedian one, much larger), not only Alcor (the pilot of TFO) and Maria, but also the pilots of many robots: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Kotetsu Jeeg, Getter Robot, Daitarn 3 and Boss Borot.
(Note: In this story, Alcor is the TFO’s pilot and Koji Kabuto is Mazinger Z’s pilot. They are two different people).

The two Cosmo Special reach Fleed after two days of travel. Now missing only eight days for the alignment of the seven stars.
As soon as the ladder touches the ground, from the Cosmo Special come down a lot of people dressed in suits that excite the curiosity of the soldiers and the inhabitants of Fleed: some of the strangers looks like - or at least bring to mind - the uniform of combat of their king, Duke. Also several women are wearing it, while others are dressed - apparently – in a not suitable way for combat. There's even a kid with them.
For most of the travelers, this is the first time they set foot on Fleed and remain amazed at how it looks like the Earth, with such amount of beautiful green. The clear air and the scents of various flowers make believe them to be in a kind of park of delights. The buildings, with their strange but elegant forms, are in harmony with the landscape. A variety of colorful birds are flying with large and continuous laps. The clouds cover with pleasant stripes a clear and blue sky with a bright sun.
This is a surprise for everyone, except for two: Alcor and Maria. They had been repeatedly on Fleed, and the last one was that of their marriage. They always wanted to see again the skies of Fleed. Alcor was in love with it. But they would rather do that on another occasion.
The comments of the other pilots are a constant chatter: Jun and Tetsuya, for example, would never have believed that there was a place so heavenly and watch everything, almost like children. Koji and Sayaka have no words: it is still better than Alcor and Maria had described to them during the journey. Boss, Nuke and Mucha remain open-mouthed, admiring the beauty of the place; Boss, in particular, of fleedian girls. The Getter team had always been accustomed to fighting in hellish places: Michiru, Ryo, Hayato and Musashi feel out of place, before a similar scene. Hiroshi and Miwa admire the incredible balance between the buildings and vegetation.
"It's hard to imagine anything more “steel and flesh" of this, Hiroshi" says Miwa, before the stunned silence of his companion. Perhaps, in that moment, he feels less his suffering to be a cyborg.
Reika and Beauty watch with interest the clothes of fleedian women, commenting quietly to each other. Toppi woluld like to do a run through those fields, so inviting. Even Garrison cannot remain unmoved by that spectacle, while Banjo looks around in silence. He is happy for what he sees, but it is difficult to understand his thoughts. Maybe has a little regret at the thought that this could be the dream of his father and the Meganoids of Don Zauker destroyed forever.
Suddenly, a man appears in front of the pilots, hailed from all fleedians and accompanied by a dignified old man, holding a worked wooden stick. Everyone understands to be in front of the famous king of Fleed, Duke, wearing his battle suit and the helmet under his arm. He raises one arm in greeting and Maria runs towards him and embraces him.
"DUKE!" cries happily, while Daisuke responding to the embrace with affection. After a moment, they look at each other, smiling silently.
"How are you?" asks his sister and, without waiting for an answer, she continues: "It is terrible what has happened, but now that we are together again, we will make it!"
"I'm sure, sister" says Duke with a smile.
"Do you know anything of Hikaru?"
"Unfortunately not. I have sent several people to search her and I’m waiting again for any news. But I'm sure she is alive. Oh, here comes Alcor!"
But Daisuke remains puzzled for a moment. Alcor has different clothes, and something in his attitude seems foreign to him...so much has changed since the last time?
"Gotcha, Daisuke! I wanted to test you" says a mocking voice behind him. Daisuke turns and sees before him the usual Alcor, with the classic suit and fiery and boastful attitude as ever.
"What does it mean?" asks Daisuke confused, looking from one to the other "There are two Alcor?"
"He's Koji Kabuto, the pilot of Mazinger Z. He has an incredible resemblance with me: I was hiding behind you to see if you too were wrong!"
After the surprise, Daisuke shakes the hand of Koji, saying:
"Mazinger Z? I heard of your robot, it is almost a legend! Too bad you did not experience in our battle against Vega you would have helped us a lot!"
"It was a justified absence, believe me" Koji replies, embarrassed "With peoples like Dr. Hell or the monster warriors of Mikene, there was no time for other enemies. Luckily at that time you were there, otherwise we could not have done well to fight against Vega! "
Daisuke smiles: this Koji does not resemble to Alcor only in appearance...
The presentations last long, because of the number of people present and Daisuke meets everyone pleasantly surprised: he did not believe that so many people responded to his desperate appeal.
Different people, with a different past, but very similar to his own: suddenly, Duke feels a particular affinity with all of them, much higher than that of a simple knowledge. At one point, Duke Fleed shows them a ship hanging in the air, big enough for everyone and completely uncovered, so they can see all the city.
"You will be tired from the journey" says Duke "Come on my spaceship. I prepared a banquet for all of you. After this, we can rest and can talk about everything"
The proposal was unanimously accepted with enthusiasm. Even Keiko and Yuriko, the two women pilots of the Cosmo Special, invited them too, agree with some embarrassment: it is the first time that they dine together with the king.
The waiters have just taken away the last plates: everyone ate and were satisfied, except Boss, who bites yet another consistent haunch with great pleasure, regardless of Nuke and Mucha that whisper to him to stop, because everyone finished eating. Daisuke does not care: he is aware that the people who came have agreed to risk their lives, and in this case as a comment on this formalism is ridiculous, if not offensive. Rising from the table, he begins to speak:
"First, I would like to thank you all for the help you have offered to give me. For all my life, I will never be grateful enough to you" He emphasizes this with a deep bow, after he continues:
"I think that Maria and Alcor have explained to you the whole situation. Let me summarize it. A mysterious and powerful man, called Dark One, who commands an army led by Six Generals, has attacked the planet Fleed, by sending a Monster Abyss and kidnapping my son. My wife, Queen Hikaru, is disappeared, even if I have reason to believe that she is well. My scouts are trying to find her. But the problem is my son Rex: the Dark One wants to make a human sacrifice by killing him in eight days, when seven stars will be aligned. To stop him, we must arrive before then, to his home planet, called Acheron, where is his castle, Darkhold. "
Daisuke has just finished speaking, when the center of the table shows a three dimensional image of a planet covered with clouds and towers similar to those of castles, that cover almost the entire surface.
"These images were obtained through the Research Center of Fleed, who has analyzed the Shadow Zone next to us"
On the table, the image of the Shadow Zone, or Zone of Darkness, shows, like a clawed hand, which includes the area of space where there is the Darkhold planet.
"It is crazy!" says Jun "It is just like a black hand in the middle of the space. I cannot see anything inside!"
"This Shadow loves the spectacle, it seems" says Banjo of Daitarn 3.
"We can get to the Shadow Zone within only a few hours of travel. The problem is when we will be inside" continues Daisuke "Look!"
The picture on the table changes, until it shows a line of planets, seven in all, where the greatest one is at the end of the line. Everyone recognizes the last planet as the Acheron, seen before.
"The first six planets are of the Six Generals. We have to cross them all, to get to Acheron. But it is not all: it is necessary that each of us land on every planet and take a crystal. It is essential to defeat the Dark One and save Rex"
"And how can we find them?" asks Alcor "Find a crystal in a planet is worse than a needle in a haystack."
"This will help you find the needle" Daisuke shows a crystal clear and brilliant. "The Ancient One gave them to me: he is a person who has known the Dark One and gave me a lot of information. The crystals to find are seven, all with a different color. To find the seven crystals we have these transparent crystals. Who keeps them in his hand, when he will pass on the planet which has the corresponding crystal, will see a thin red line, visible only to him, from the transparent crystal. This will show him the way to go up to the crystal to find. Behold, I will give randomly a transparent crystal to each pilot - or a representative group – of the robots"
After a pause, Daisuke start calling people.
"Koji Kabuto"
The requested rises and takes the crystal that Daisuke gives to him Daisuke. And so all the others.
"Tetsuya Tsurugi."
"Ryoma Nagare."
"Hiroshi Shiba."
"Haran Banjo."
The output of the latter is accompanied by a murmur of concern. Boss will be able to do a so dangerous mission? Daisuke, however, puts a hand on Boss’ shoulder and says:
"If you fight with people like Koji and Tetsuya, surely you are smart like them. You can do it! "
Boss, embarrassed, blushes, "No, no, no, ah ah ah..." and, coming back to his place, stumbles three or four times, while Koji looks him confounded and Tetsuya has a faint blush on his cheeks.
"Maria and Alcor" continues Daisuke "you will be the support of the Fleed‘s Cosmo Special, ready to help with the Drill Spacer and the Double Spacer those in need. You will keep in radio contact all the time (And I hope that communications are not hindered: the trouble is that I cannot guarantee you that!)"
"One moment, Daisuke!" says Maria "I have no intention to keep up!"
"Wait, Maria" says Alcor, grabbing her arm "Daisuke is right. It is necessary that someone might come in handy if there are difficulties. This is not a walk!"
Maria must reluctantly admit that Alcor has a point.
"The crystals are seven to find" says Hayato, of Getter Team, addressed to Daisuke "But you have distributed six research crystals. It means that you have the seventh?"
"Exactly. And it is calibrated for the black crystal that is in Darkhold. I will go with you, but my goal is the black crystal in Darkhold. My son is there, and I have to go there."
"And my crystal to find, on what planet is it?" asks Hiroshi, showing the transparent crystal.
"I don’t know, unfortunately" answers Daisuke "When we will pass on each of the planets, one of your transparent crystals will light and the person who has the illuminated crystal will see the red line which starts from there and will go to get the real crystal"
"But in each of these planets there is one of those Generals?" asks Michiru.
"With his army, yes" answers Daisuke.
"And I doubt that they will give to us the crystal if we ask..." sighs Sayaka.
“Well, we’ll take it, then!” says Koji.
"Right" answers Daisuke "But do not underestimate them. The Monster Abyss, which I faced with Grendizer, caused a lot of problems, then the Generals will certainly not be outdone. Be on guard!"
"In essence, you have to hit hard. I like the program" says Tetsuya said with a smile, crossing his hands behind his head.
Nuke and Mucha watch Boss, concerned. Boss cold sweats, staring at the crystal in his hand.
"Well, what do you look at me with those stupid eyes, you two?" blurts out Boss at once.
"No, Boss...just...well...it's just an idea ..." says Nuke.
"In short, we could retire...what do you say?" whispers Mucha.
A fist on the table jolts everyone, and Boss, who was the author of the act, shouts:
"Forget it! HERE WE WIN OR WE DIE! "
"Er…are you sure?" asks Tetsuya.
“I always wanted to say that phrase! Daisuke, Boss Robot will win and keep up his name!"
Saying this, Boss gets up abruptly and his pants fall, because he loosed there because he had eaten too much: he suddenly finding himself face to his underwear, causing the hilarity of all. Embarrassed, he quickly pulls up his pants.
Next (30 September): Boss versus Feral…the beginning!

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view post Posted on 30/9/2011, 13:38     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. They have had a son, Rex, but he was kidnapped by a mysterious being called Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru has disappeared and ended up in the Earth colony of Betelgeuse, at the home of Professor Nakashima. Daisuke, with his friends, organizes the rescue of Rex (with him there are the pilots of robots known as Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Koketsu Jeeg, Getter Robot, Daitarn 3 and Boss Borot). They leave to face the Dark One and his Six Generals, before that the seven stars line up.
(Note: In this story, Koji Kabuto is the pilot of Mazinger Z and Alcor is the pilot of TFO. They are physically similar, but are two different people)

After a few hours, when the need for the trip is loaded, the Cosmo Special of Fleed departs with its cargo of pilots and robots under the worried gaze of the Grand Vizier, left on Fleed to take the place of the king. All those who remain on board are silent and spend their time observing the space through the portholes, or tidying up their weapons, or fiddling with his research crystal, securing it with attention. The girls begin to appear between them. Duke Fleed, instead, is alone in the hangar, watching Grendizer a long time, saying anything.
Here we are together again, Grendizer, thinks. It seems to be destiny. People like Tetsuya, instead, like battles and don’t pose a problem: I almost envy his simplicity.
He remains to observe in silence the impassive and anonymous face of the robot samurai. Suddenly, a ringing of the intercom shakes him: Keiko, one of the women pilots, is contacting him. Duke runs straight into the cockpit.
"What happened?"
"We are arrived now at the first planet"
"So soon? Are we already in the shadow zone?"
"It was moved again, His Majesty. It's very close to Fleed, now"
Daisuke does not reply right away. After a moment, he says to the women pilot:
"Keiko, Yuriko, now slow down. One of us will have to go on that planet to take the crystal. "
"All right, His Majesty"
Duke Fleed goes out of the cab and goes into the main hall to alert his companions.
"We arrived at the first planet" tells everyone "One of you should have a clear crystal with a visible red line"
Everyone observes: no one seems to see any changes in his crystal.
"No one?" asks Daisuke, perplexed "Strange. Have you checked all? "
"Wait" says Koji “Boss is missing"
At that time, in the hangar, Boss is cleaning the inside of Borot’s cab with a broom, while Nuke and Mucha work on the robot with a blowtorch.
"BOSS!" scream Koji and Tetsuya, breaking travel inside the hangar. Accompanying them Sayaka, Jun and others.
"What the hell is it?" says Boss, poking his head out of the cracks of the mouth of Borot "I'm working!"
"Stop it, Boss! Have you watched your crystal?" asks Sayaka, worried.
Boss delivers from the robot along a ladder outside and he goes to the table tool. Seeing the crystal, he realizes that it glows and emits a thin red line that goes to a point on the wall: wherever you move the crystal, the light always passes through that point. Boss sweats cold: the first fight touches to him! He hoped at least to be last. The others form a circle around him, without saying anything, especially Nuke and Mucha.
We are done for! think both of them.
Tetsuya is aimed at Daisuke.
"Do you know nothing about that planet?"
"The Ancient One spoke to me about it" answers Daisuke, gloomily "It is the Creed planet, a tangle of forest and rocks. It is the headquarters of General Feral, who commands the Wolf Men." After a moment's pause, he continues in a low voice: "He is nicknamed Mangler, or Crusher."
No one knows what to say.

On Creed planet, during the night, men and women dance around the fire, according to the roll of drums. At first glance, they seem human, with leather clothes, similar to those of ancient barbarian tribes. But, looking closely, you may find that they have disturbing features: unusually sharp canine teeth, eyes like the eyes of a cat, feral skill movements. They are all men and women-wolf in human form, or at least the majority of the group, who represent the dominant group. The other men are men-coyotes, man-mountain lions, or other: they are still a mix of man and animal. Unlike the werewolves of legend, they can transform themselves into animals at will and not only under the full moon. Moreover, the strongest can develop their size to reach those of giant robots. In this case, their teeth become so resistant to pierce steel. The strongest of them is General Feral, now in human form and size, seated on a wooded throne, with some women-wolves, and, standing behind him, a man-wolf with a spear in his hand: he is his lieutenant, Kizaia Vold.
Even the human face of Feral is as scary as when he assumes the appearance of a man-wolf: the short hair, black and straight, give him a savage look, along with his whiskers and his thick eyebrows, under which bright and black eyes shine. Two canines protruding from his mouth. His leather outfit, very elaborate, has golden and glittering studs, with his brown cloak, who give him authority. His agile and massive body is emphasized by the muscles of his arms; his wrists are fastened to metal bracelets and has clawed hands.
"It is the dawn, now" says Feral "Bueno (Well). The dance for initiation is over. Kizaia, stop everything and call the young ones"
"Yes, Mi General (My General)”
With dry and imperious orders, Kizaia make all the things as ordered. A group of young men and women is standing in front of Feral. He stands up and says:
"Now is the time where you will be part of the herd, niños (boys). Soon you will be adults"
All who are around the group of kids scream with joy, raising their arms to heaven. Young people are still standing, nervous, because they know that they must pass the test. If they fail, it is a disgrace: the worst thing that can happen to a warrior.
"Let's start with your sister, Kizaia" says Feral.
The lieutenant tells a girl and nods her to leave the group. She acts promptly: she kneels before Feral, taking a punch on the ground, a sign of submission. She has a band on her head and her hair are in a braid. Her dress of skin, divided into two parts, is exposing the navel. According to the ritual, she begin to speak first:
"I am Lisa Vold, Mi General (My General)"
"Do you want to go into the herd?"
"Yes, Mi General (My General)"
"And will you obey to my command?"
"Yes, Mi General (My General)"
"Get up and show me that you are worthy"
This is the moment of trial. A test of skill, where the error is not allowed. Lisa gets up slowly, looking around. Then, she hears, with her sharp ears, a rustle: a bird is flying just above the trees. Lisa identifies it, lifting her eyes for a moment, then, in a flash, she jumps from tree to tree, reaching and grasping quickly the bird with one hand in midair. She break the bird’s neck in a vise and comes back down to Feral, as before, jumping from tree to tree. A remarkable demonstration: even the older wolves are impressed. Kizaia Vold smiles: never as now he is proud of his sister. Lisa, on her knees, leans on the ground the dead bird in front of Feral, who, satisfied, responds:
"Well done, Lisa. From now on, you are a niña de los lobos (a daughter of wolves). You can become a wolf from now on and you will be part of the pack in the hunt"
Everyone cry exultant:
"Lisa Vold! Lisa Vold!”
The ceremony is about to continue, when a guard comes running and stopping in front of Feral.
Mi general (My General), they are coming! Garm saw a spaceship that has stopped and, from there, was started a spaceship which is landing thirty miles west!"
"Ah, well! Have you heard, mi lobos (my wolves)? The hunt starts now! Lisa Vold, follow the herd! You know what to do: drive out the prey and bring it to the Arena!"
Everyone, including Lisa, transform into wolves and run howling towards the west and feeling the thrill of the chase.

A few hours before, into the Cosmo Special, there was a heated discussion.
"But it's absurd!" exclamed Sayaka "Boss cannot go there alone! They will do it to pieces! Koji, let’s accompany him!"
"Yes" said Jun "or I and Tetsuya could accompany him!"
"Maybe it's better" said Daisuke thoughtfully "What do you think, Boss? I know you're a brave man, but this mission is very dangerous. I would not have you on my conscience. I also could go with you, if you want"
"The same goes for me, Boss" said Koji.
"Ditto for me. This is not a joke" said Tetsuya.
Boss, in all the time who they spoke, was on the floor with his legs crossed and arms, showing his back to all and looking down with a frown air. He had cold sweats. He knew that they were right, but ... but ... Suddenly, he stood up and turned to Daisuke and to the others:
"I thank you for the aid, but it's better if you don’t come with me. I would be an impediment, don’t you understand? We have the days counted: if one of you would come with me, then in the future he will face another one of those clowns, and maybe he will not be in full force, because he fought with me...we could fall behind, could do not make in time, could even lose...no, I will go alone"
"But..." said Jun, worried.
"I know. However, I must not deal with him, I just have to take the crystal, isn’t it? I go, I take it and I go back. I have developed new techniques of concealment of the Borot: I even have new brand fighting techniques. Do not worry and go ahead: after, I will join to you"
The others were in a gloomy silence.
“Nuke, Mucha" said Boss “you stay here. OK?"
"No way, Boss! So, why we are here?" answered Nuke.
“Well said! We cannot give up now!" insisted Mucha.
"You idiots, we are not going to a picnic!"
"If we go along, we first find that stupid crystal and first spin away, right?" said Mucha.
"This is true" Daisuke nod, but he is still uncertain about the situation.
In front of Nuke and Mucha’s insistence, Boss became very emotional and cried like a cow, hugging them. Also the two assistants were crying. A heartbreaking scene. Boss, calmed down, said determined to Daisuke:
"Don’t worry, the ol’Boss has a thick skin. Four mangy cubs will not stop me! Nuke, Mucha, let's go!"
"Yes!" cried either in unison, raising a fist in the air.
While he was preparing to get on the Borot, Jun and Sayaka were in front of Boss with apprehension.
"Be careful, Boss, I recommend" said Jun, worried.
"Do not do stupid things and come back straight away when you find that crystal!" added Sayaka, staring him straight in the eye.
Boss blushed and stammered:
"Yes, yes, ha ha ha..."
Both the girl kissed him on the cheek. Boss turned red. The two smiled and say:
"Come back, Boss!"
"Come back soon!"
"Ha ha ha, be quiet!"
Boss roomed as quick as a lightning bolt up the ladder, reaching the interior of Borot, where the two assistants were already heating up the engines. Boss fixed on the front a tape with the emblem of the Rising Sun, to inspire courage. Then, raising his fist, he shouted:
"Boss Borot, go!"
The Borot moved and entered into a ship which detached from the Cosmo Special. Everyone in front of the door were watching him away in a silence filled with apprehension. The Cosmo Special moved away, while the ship with Boss began to descend on the planet Creed.

The spaceship lands quietly in a glade. Boss Robot exits silentiously, looking right and left, full of apprehension.
"Where are we going, Boss?" ask the assistants.
"Well...the red line indicates in that direction" responds Boss, looking at the crystal and indicating a direction.
"We must go there without getting caught! Disguise n. 2,735 bis, quick!"
Nuke and Mucha look one to another, bewildered. They don’t know anything about this disguise. As a matter of fact, they did not even know that Borot had a disguise.
"The red button at the top, animals!" cries Boss "It is one of my extraordinary technical renovations!"
To be honest, this disguise is the only that Boss has: he had not enough money to make the other 2,734 disguises, who remained on paper. And, to be more honest, it is not very suitable, but in necessity you must use what you have. With the red button pressed, the Borot changes shape, binding before a beak and adding a crest and the wings, becoming a giant mechanical chicken that says "cluck cluck" to each step. Nuke and Mucha are annihilated.
"But…what good is a disguise like this, Boss?"
"Ha ha ha" he replies "This is the subtlety of my genius. The enemy will be confused, so when he least expects it ... ZAC, I beat him with one secret shot!"
"Boss has gone crazy” murmurs Nuke.
"We will all end up spit!" says Mucha says, despondently.
"Shut up, faint-hearted! Go! Always in that way!"
The Boss-Mechanical Chicken paws forward, by continuing to say "cluck" as a broken record.
The werewolves, back in human form and size, look at the strange spectacle of a huge mechanical chicken that passes in front of them.
"What the heck was that? A mechanical monster?" says Lisa Vold, the new element of the pack, completely confused. The leader, Fenris, replies:
"I think so. Certainly, it is the most idiotic monster I've ever seen"
"What we do, leader?" asks another one.
Fenris reflects a moment, then he decides:
"I don’t think it is appropriate to send an idiot like this in the Arena. General Feral would feel teased and would smash us. Let’s destroy here and get it over with him"
With a nod, all become again werewolves, keeping the human dimensions (only pack leaders can grow large) and leaping to the attack of chicken-Boss. Their teeth and claws tear the metal, while Fenris assumes, besides his werewolf form, the size of the Borot and stops the robot, plated him with a move worthy of a rugby player.
"Boss, what are we doing now?" shout the assistants, panicked.
"Eh eh eh..." grins Boss "Do not underestimate the Borot!" and, saying this, presses several buttons and pulls hastily several levers. A great peck stuns Fenris, who lets go, while the wings of the Boss-chicken are moving quickly, sending back and forth to the wolves in human dimensions. The attacks behind are blocked by a roll of sticky eggs filled with substances that block the wolf man.
"Transformation to normal Boss!"
The Borot comes back in his usual appearance and tooks the opportunity to give a strong uppercut to Fenris, the leader, still stunned by pecking.
“For now, it is going well!" cries Boss "Let’s move to the Second New Technique Special of Boss Borot!"
Pulling a forward gear, taken in the past from a Toyota store in an abandoned scrap, Boss cries:
“Technique of the Race With Wings Of The Wind!"
Boss walks away quickly with extraordinary rapidity speed, so that his legs can hardly be seen. The compartment passenger is agitated by continuous shock, but Boss takes hard, while the two assistants desperately are clinging to anything as long as it's solid and steadfast.
"Heaven saints, help us!" complains one.
"Here goes everything bad!" shouts another.
Werewolves, stunned, still cannot understand how their prey could be escaped them. Fenris rises again, uncertain, while Lisa Vold, who had remained in the rearguard, is chasing furiously the fugitive robot.

Lisa Vold, the woman-wolf.

Next (10 October): The hunt to Boss continues... :via:

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view post Posted on 10/10/2011, 17:05     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, between a few days, seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru has disappeared and ended up in the Earth colony of Betelgeuse. Daisuke and his friends organizes the rescue of Rex (the friends are: the pilots of robots known as Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Koketsu Jeeg, Getter Robot, Daitarn 3 and Boss Borot. NOTE: in this fanfiction, Koji is the pilot of Mazinger Z, but he is not the friend of Daisuke: the friend of Daisuke is called Alcor and he is similar to Koji, but they are two different persons. Alcor is married with Maria Fleed, Koji with Sayaka.). Boss Robot opens the first clash: he will face, on planet Creed, General Feral of the wolf men, to find a crystal that will defeat the Dark One. Once Boss was sighted by the wolf men, they start the pursuit, along with a new recruit, Lisa Vold, a woman-wolf…

After the grueling race, the Borot stops. The pilots in the cockpit, even if they are a bit bruised everywhere, at least they are alive and everyone throw a sigh of relief.
"For now we have sown them" says Boss, satisfied "and we are approached to the point where there is the crystal"
"For all we know, it could be thousands of miles from here" doubts Mucha.
"Do not be silly" says Boss "The spacecraft has landed along the red line: I think it will take at last ten or twenty kilometers before arriving”
"Then let’s go quickly!" exclaims Nuke.
"Right. Let's go "says Boss, and the Borot walks abruptly.

But, far away, from the top of a tree, a pair of wolf’s eyes watch the robot : Lisa Vold, in human form, has found her prey.
"Do you really think to escape to the wolves, you idiot? The whole world is at our command here!"
The wolf girl gets a couple of fingers in her mouth and continually emits three short and three long whistles: a signal. After a short time, an enormous eagle, much larger than those on Earth, comes to her.
"Ayala, my friend, you have responded quickly to my call!" says Lisa, caressing the bird. Then, with a leap, she clings to the eagle's claws.
"No one can beat you in speed, Ayala: Take me from my prey!" orders the girl wolf.
The eagle moves forcefully her huge wings and grinds tens of kilometers in a single beat. It does not even make an effort to get right on Boss Robot. Lisa let go of it and lands on the head of Borot, causing a boom that startles the occupants.
"What was that?" says Mucha, concerned.
"Something has dropped now" suggests Nuke.
"Stop worrying" says Boss. Then, he wanted to add: “it has been a branch", but he does not have time to finish the sentence, that a fast figure, like the wind, enters into the passenger compartment of the Borot hitting him in the face and sending him crashing into the wall.
Lisa lands on the floor on all two arms and legs, keeping the human form. She watches Nuke and Mucha with wolf eyes and emits a dull roar. The two men, very agitated, in the frenzy of moving, involuntarily touch the levers of Borot, that, at some point, falls backward. The impact sends to the air Boss and his companions, while the wolf girl, taken by surprise, slams her head against the commands and passes out. The other three are shooting soon, accustomed to such buffeting.
"Who the hell is this girl?" asks Nuke.
"A woman-wolf, did not you noticed? Did not you see how she looked to us?" says Mucha.
"Help me to tie her, hurry up!" urges Boss "We must raise the Borot and find the crystal in a hurry, before the others come back!" But, as soon as Boss finishes the sentence, he hears a howling closer and closer. The werewolves are approaching. There's no time to lose, thinks Boss. In an instant, he makes the decision: he delivers the clear crystal to Nuke and tells to both of them:
"Get off the Borot, quick! You go to take the crystal: I keep them engaged. Stay in touch!"
The other two begin to protest, but Boss sends them literally kicked out of the Borot, truncating the discussion in a sharply way. Placing himself at the controls, Boss raises the robot and marches resolutely to the wolves. The fight is tight, and for Borot is hard to remove them. Even if they are at human size, they behave like hungry wolves of the steppe: the more they are driven back, the more they are attacking you. In the frenzy, Boss does not notice a shadow that glides on, coming down from the cockpit and jumping down to the Borot. Lisa had heard them talking, pretending to still be unconscious. Breaking off the ropes and then running away was a joke for a girl-wolf.
At him will think my teammates, thinks Lisa: now I want those two who fled away. Once she was come back on the ground, she runs here and there, sniffing the air: when she feels the smells she was seeking, she follows it eagerly, going through the forest.

The Borot fight hard, but Fenris, the leader, who had joined the others and had maintained his enormous size, with a well-aimed blow, knocks the robot (and the pilot).
"Well," says one of the werewolves "now we make him in pieces"
"No" says Fenris "after all, he is more durable than he looks. After all, I don’t think that El General (the General) will be dissatisfied. Tie this junk and take it away. We'll take him to the Arena"

Nuke and Mucha, trembling, walk side by side, amidst the darkness of the forest, interrupted only by some light between the branches.
"Damn, it’s so dark" says Nuke.
"Speak low, for heaven's sake, and not make a sound when you walk. If they take us, we are gutted" answers Mucha, whispering.
"Do you think Boss is okay?"
"What do I know? I hope so, how do I know? However, let’s find this gem in a hurry"
"Do you see well the red line?"
"Yes, it points to that cave. Come on, quick!"
They spoke softly, turning an ear to the other, but those whispers are like cries for the ears of a fine girl-wolf. Lisa is following them for a while, much quieter than the two assistants of Boss, which are noisy as tip-tap dancers, compared to her. However, now the wolf girl is doubtful.
Gem? Crystal? What are they looking for? A treasure? Very interesting...

The Arena welcomes with joy the arrival of the prey. The show is about to begin, and werewolves cannot wait. They are all human shape and size, in their seats, distributed around the huge open space where the Borot clings to the ground, covered with ropes that bind him from head to toe. At one point raised of the Arena, there is the General Feral himself in human form, with a satisfied smile, though puzzled. He aims at Fenris, the leader, in the arena with the Borot. He is in the werewolf form, with the same size as Borot.
"It would be him the opponent who went down from the ship, Fenris?"
"Exactly, Mi General (my general)!"
Feral looks doubtful that robot from with a peculiar form which lies on the ground. It is totally different from what he expected.
Perhaps is it a trick? A diversion to distract us while the real enemy is elsewhere?
"Kizaia Vold" he says, turning to his lieutenant, "no other beings have landed here, in addition to him?"
"No, Mi General. In the cockpit control of the robot there were three people: one is still inside, the other two ran away, but my sister is giving chase to them. Practically, they are already dead"
"Hmm ... when you see her, tell her I want the bodies here, just in case"
"It will be done"
Then the General turns to Fenris:
"Free him and beat him. I do not think he’s of my height. If he should beat you, I will affront him"
"Yes, Mi General" and, turning to Boss Robot, with a shot of claw rips all the ropes, freeing him.
"Duel! Duel! Duel!" shouts the crowd, thirsty for blood. The screams wake Boss, who had fainted. He looks around and, to better understand the situation, moves the robot. The Borot gets up slowly and he remains amazed. He is located in front of an enormous wolf-man in the middle of a giant arena, with a crowd screaming. A similar scene to that of the Roman coliseum in the past.
"What's going on? Is it a joke?" asks Boss, looking right and left.
"I am Captain Fenris, alien. We have given to you the honor of dying in the Arena. Tell me your name and fight!" says the werewolf opponent.
"Uhm...er...wait a minute...my name is Boss Robot...but why we could not talk like civilized people?" says Boss, while the Borot raises his palms in a gesture of peace that is unlikely to be accepted.
"Boss Robot. All right. Your name will be remembered"
Fenris snaps instantly as soon as he finished saying the last syllable. The Borot is banged against the wall of the Arena before he realizes it. The crowd shouts the name of the werewolf:
"Fenris! Fenris! Fenris!"
The shock totally wakes up Boss:
"Damn, this guy beats hard...I have to do something soon, or he will make me mince meat!" He pulls a lever hidden "I‘ll have to use the final secret techniques!!"
Fenris delivers another hit with his claws, but misses: the Boss Robot has made a fast jump, releasing the springs under the soles. Now he is jumping from one part to the other of the Arena, like a frog. The opponent is puzzled.
"This is the technique of the “Jumping bean”!!" announces proudly Boss "And now you'll see..."
Between a jump and the other, which become increasingly faster, suddenly the hands of Boss Robot grasp his feet, exposing the back, which strikes like a hammer on Fenris, which ends up underground.
"This is the terrible “Blow of the butt”!" says Boss.
Fenris, who is now groggy, rises from the hole in the ground where he ended, searching with confused eyes his opponent.
Using arms and legs as springs, Boss Robot jumps like a grasshopper from one side to another of the Arena, gaining more speed.
"And this is the technique of Goal Ball!"
Boss Robot is launched with all the body against Fenris, and both end up banging on the wall with an impact that reverberates throughout the Arena. Boss Robot gets up swinging but satisfied: Fenris is on the ground and does not move anymore. The robot raises his fist to indicate victory, while the Arena is full of silence mixed with astonishment. The opponent has beaten Fenris, one of the captains of the pack. The unanimous voice rises:
"Boss Robot! Boss Robot!"
Kizaia Vold is perplexed:
"Incredible, Mi General…I never thought..."
"Calm down, Kizaia" replies Feral, standing up and taking off his coat "he is just a prey a bit lively”
With a jump, Feral falls on the sand of the Arena. The werewolves are excited: it happens rarely that the General in person is involved in duels. This time, the cry repeated in the Arena calls the General:
"Feral! Feral! Feral! "
Grinning, Feral walks calmly toward the Borot. While he approaches, he increases in height and at the same time happens his metamorphosis from human to werewolf.
Damn it, thinks Boss, that monster must be that dude of which Daisuke spoke to me! What are waiting these idiots of Nuke and Mucha to take the crystal? We must run away now! But then, where do I go? I'm surrounded!
"Come" says Feral, with a nod.
Maybe…after all, I just defeated that other werewolf...that guy is basically a werewolf, only a little stronger…I could win, after all…. Go, Borot!
The right hand of Borot revolves around herself, imitating the atomic fist of the Great Mazinger: the robot comes out against Feral to hit him at full force with his fist. But the General stops him with only one hand, that is so adamant that the Borot feels as if he had punched a mountain. The other hand of Feral gets up quietly, and then fall on the robot with a power that is equivalent, in proportion, to that of a mace over a toy car: the Borot ends in an instant into a thousand pieces, while the head rolls for the Arena alone.
"You offend me" says Feral with a fierce look from top to bottom "You offend me, if you think that I'm as strong as Fenris. I am one of the Six Generals of Oscurity, you idiot!"
The controls of Borot are all skipped.
It is over, thinks Boss desperately.

A few hours earlier, Nuke and Mucha enter into the cave, following the red line which stops in front of a door of steel.
"And now what are we doing?" asks Mucha sadly.
"If we do not take the crystal, we cannot defeat the enemy...maybe if we go back to Boss, the Borot could break this door!"
But when they turn toward the exit, are stunned: there is a figure against the light, standing with arms akimbo.
"What do you mean?" says the figure "With that crystal you could beat El General (The General)?"
"Huh?" stammers one.
"Who ... who are you?" asks another.
"I am Lisa Vold. The Borot, as you call it, is now at the Arena and he will be fighting against El General. You just said - as I understand it - that he could beat El General with that crystal? So, this Borot is not fighting at the height of his powers?"
"Oh...well, I think so" answers Nuke, not knowing what to say.
"So this is a battle without honor. I say nay to this!" replies the girl-wolf "I'll help you to find that crystal and I’ll give it to your Borot"
Lisa advances decisive towards the door, followed by Boss’ attendants, speechless.
"It's a sliding door. It opens by pushing" says the girl-wolf. Lisa grabs the handlebars in front of her and pushes hard to the side. Then she stops, panting.
"It is heavy!" says "Come on, move! Push too!"
Nuke and Mucha rely on the enormous handlebar and push with all their forces, along with the wolf-girl. The door moves and leaves a glimmer. Lisa goes first.
"Follow me" says to the other. They follow her without question; however, Mucha asks:
"I don’t understand, we are your enemies...why you want to help us?"
"Do not misunderstand. I am not helping you. I am following the law" replies Lisa "The survival of the fittest is the key for us wolves. And El General - who is the strongest – will beat your Borot anyway. I will not allow the fact you can tell that El General has won because his opponent did not have the crystal"
What a twisted reasoning, thinks Nuke. However, she is helping us: better so, anyway.
"Down!" shouts Lisa at once, taking both the men for the collar and dragging them with her to the ground. A lot of arrows whistle through the air and stick in the wall. "There are some traps here. A foreigner surely would perish, but not one of us. I heard the click of the arrows. Follow me in silence and move exactly like me. "
Frightened, Nuke and Mucha become copies of Lisa, imitating her even in moving the head, with a perfect sync. After overcoming pitfalls, rivers of water, rolling boulders, and a thousand other tricks which should envy Indiana Jones, they are, at the end, on an altar, the crystal, with a ruby-red color.
"Finally!" cry the two assistants.
"SHUT UP, YOU IDIOTS!" screams Lisa, but it is too late: the vault of the cave is collapsing, because it was planned to do so at the least vocal sound. The wolf-girl becomes fast as lightning: she takes the crystal with a leap and come back to Nuke and Mucha, who puts upon her shoulders and runs at breakneck speed towards the exit, while everything collapses. Only her resistance, far superior to that of humans, allows her to leave just before the final collapse. She kneels down and gasps, breath taking.
I'm still a girl...she thinks, between a breath and another…an adult would not come out of breath. I have to train more...
Nuke and Mucha come near her.
"Everything okay?" asks one.
"You were really good" adds another.
"SILENCE!" yells Lisa, standing up shooting "You was even told to shut up, idiots. Why you talked at that time?"
"Sorry...the emotion..." stutter, embarrassed.
"It's crazy. The weakest of our clan would be able to tear you while he is sleeping. I have not yet figured out if you are brave or total idiots!"
The two blush and do not know what to say.
"Well, let’s think of other" adds Lisa, looking at the red crystal in her hand "You have to give this to your boss"
"But how are we doing on time?" asks Mucha.
"Nothing could be easier. Hold hands yourselves"
The two go hand in hand with a questioning look. Lisa grabs Nuke’s hand and puts the crystal in a pocket. With her free hand, emits whistles in the mouth: three long and three short, repeated. Nuke and Mucha suddenly feel a strong wind and see a gigantic shadow. They raise their heads and remain stunned. Above them, an eagle appeared, as big as an airplane or a pterosaur, and scream with fright.

"Stay calm" says Lisa "This is Ayala, a friend. Now, don’t let go the hands for no reason"
With one jump, Lisa grabs a leg of the eagle, carrying with her Nuke and Mucha.
"Bring to the Arena, Ayala. Hurry up"
With just a beat, the big bird drag them to an immeasurable height. From there, they can look at the forests, rivers, villages, everything. Nuke and Mucha are so terrified that they cannot even scream.
This is a dream...now I’ll wake up, thinks Nuke.
Lord, have mercy on this unfortunate and do not give up to him! thinks the other.
In a few minutes (an eternity for the two poor guys) Ayala reachs the Arena and lands nearby.
"Thank you, Ayala" says Lisa to the eagle, which goes away. Then, she turns to the two men "You wait for me here. I'm going to give to your boss this crystal" and runs to the arena with a feral speed.
"But that crystal makes really strong?" ssks Nuke.
"It was her who has had this idea. I have never said anything like this" answers Mucha.
"So, what do we do?"
"Well, let's take the ship and let’s take away Boss with that, what do you say? Everyone is at the Arena, no one will look after us!"
"Right! Let's go!"
They ran away, fast.

Next: (20 October): Boss versus Feral: the final! :foglia:

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view post Posted on 20/10/2011, 10:12     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru has disappeared and ended up in the Earth colony of Betelgeuse, unknown to all. Daisuke, Alcor and Maria organized the rescue of Rex along with many friends (the pilots of robots known as Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Jeeg Robot, Getter Robot, Daitarn 3 and Boss Borot). Boss Robot opens the first clash: however, it was destroyed by General Feral, a subject of the Dark One. Nuke and Mucha were able to take the crystal, an object, along with other crystals, that should bring the end of the Dark One. Lisa Vold, a girl-wolf at Feral's orders, for reasons of her own, helps Boss’caregivers.
(NOTE: In this fiction, “Alcor” is TFO’s pilot and “Koji Kabuto” is Mazinger Z’s pilot: they are two several people: they are not the same person)

"I cannot understand" says Feral, pointing towards Borot’s head, abandoned in the middle of a pile of debris scattered across the sand of the Arena.
"Your strength is nothing short of bland. It's a miracle that you came here. Are you crazy? Or a fool? Seriously, are you one of those who want to challenge the Dark One? "
Feral observes in silence for a moment what remains of his absurd enemy.
"Anyway" he concludes by raising a clawed hand "get it over with you."
At that moment, a figure as quick as a flash fires along the sand of the Arena, raising a trail of dust. He pauses a moment at the head of Borot.
"Take it!" cries Lisa, throwing the red crystal in the hands of Boss, still inside the cockpit: he grabs it without understanding what is happened. Lisa walks away with the same speed, reaching in a leap Kizaia Vold, her brother, in the stands.
"Lisa, what did you do?" he asks, astonished.
"A necessary thing, brother. I don’t have time to explain, we talk about this when the duel will end"
Feral has recognized Lisa Vold and has interrupted the attack, but he does not understand the reason for this behavior.
What has she done? thinks. She gave something to the driver, something shining ... the crystal? And why? What advantage can have him, in these conditions?
But everyone, all of a sudden, look at in amazement what's going on the Arena: a great red light shines from the head of Borot, that levitates in midair, while its components, broken and fragmented, are recomposed as before, forming the body of Borot, which reconnects with his head. Boss is no less surprised than others.
"Impossible…" says Feral surprised "the crystal has never behaved like that!"
Feral gives a fist with frightening speed, but he is blocked by a single hand of Boss Robot, who had raised it instinctively to defend himself. The werewolves do not believe their eyes. The Borot looks at his hand, surprised.
"I stopped him? But what happened to me? "
Feral launches another shot, which Boss avoids in a moment: the Borot joins the two fists together and makes them collide against Feral with an impact so violent that he is slammed into the Arena, crushing it and passing through it, demolishing all the walls and ending up far away to almost a mile from the Arena. The werewolves in his way were flown away on all sides.
"Wow" says Boss, "that crystal is a great tonic!"
Feral gets up with difficulty, thinking: The force of that robot has become immense, and, as if that were not enough, it seems to increase every moment that passes. I have to finish it right away. That crystal is giving to him an unlimited energy!
The figure of Feral becomes more massive and his claws become longer. He emits a terrible roar and, gnashing his fangs, is directed fast toward the Borot, which is coming upon to him, running in the same way. The impact fills of red light the whole city, while the windows are broken by the deafening noise. Boss and Feral are one in front of the another, still holding each other's arms: no one prevails.
I cannot give up, thinks Boss, this crystal is helping me ... if I give up now, it's over! C’mon, Borot, put it all!
I am one of the Six General, thinks Feral...I cannot be beaten by this idiot!
The hands of Feral increase their grip to the unimaginable: the hands of Borot begin to fill of cracks.
"No!" says Boss, and, instinctively, still triggers the springs underfoot the robot: the Borot jumps with Feral, high enough to reach the clouds.
"Good heavens, the crystal increases the strength of Borot to appalling levels!" says Boss, amazed.
Borot grabs Feral in midair and both fall to the ground, at a rate that increases every second. The impact is like that of a meteorite.
All the wolves, including Kizaia and Lisa Vold, gather around the crater that has molded, wondering who will emerge victorious. Amid the smoke, a figure advances: the Borot is still whole. Feral lies at the bottom of the crater, completely won. Boss is stunned: has it made? Or not? He is so dazed from the impact, that he does not understand anything.
A spacecraft lands near: also Nuke and Mucha, aboard, have seen the scene, and still cannot believe it. Boss beated this monster. A total victory. The werewolves do not even notice them: they look at the Borot with a surprise mixed with admiration. Lisa Vold is the first to speak: she raises his arm and shouts:
"Boss Robot!"
And all reply:
"Boss Robot! Boss Robot! "
At that moment, Boss realizes he has won. And, of all people, is the first to not believe it.

Kizaia Vold shakes hands with Boss, among all who celebrate, with Nuke and Mucha near him, still a little uncertain. They are in the midst of werewolves, though now they look human. Lisa looks on with folded arms, smiling and, at the same time, showing the canines.
"Ehm...I thank you all" responds Boss, embarrassed "but don’t you mind that I have defeated your leader?"
"Those who lose a duel, lose everything. Even the command. Now the leader of the wolves are you, Boss " responds Kizaia.
"Ha ha ha, Boss, you have became the leader of the werewolves!" says Nuke, laughing, half amused and frightened. Mucha has not a great desire to laugh, with all those guys around...
"I? Leader of...but I'm not a werewolf, Mr. Kalzaia"
"Kizaia. Yes, you're not a werewolf, but you've defeated the leader."
"Look, you seem to me a good guy, why do not make you the leader? I have to go somewhere else to bring this crystal to my friends "
"And are they as strong as the Boss Robot?" asks Lisa Vold, concerned.
"Well, yes, even more, perhaps..." responds Boss "Why?"
"Well. Then I'll come with you. I want to see these stronger guys "
"Are you sure, sister?" asks Kizaia.
"Yes. I thought Feral was the strongest, but I see now that he was not so. I can understand many things from this trip. I will go with them. "
"What are we doing, Boss?" ask the assistants.
"Well, we cannot waste time, they will be waiting us. If you want to come, all right, but we must leave immediately! "
"Claro! (OK)," says Lisa, and with two leaps she is already at the front door of the ship, and Boss is amazed. Heck - thinks - she is faster than a cat...I did not even see her.
"She will protect you. Take care of my sister, Boss" says Kizaia.
"Okay, Chistaia"
"Sorry...anyway, try to be good and do not kill people, right? I recommend, if not I will come back here with Borot and I’ll beat you!"
"Yes, General Boss"
Wow, it sounds good! thinks Boss, while everyone go up on the ship, which rapidly ascends to heaven with the robot and all occupants, including Lisa. At some point, the spacecraft has a start. Boss and the others look from the porthole and are horrified: Feral, with a leap, is clunging to one end of the ship.
"I will not leave you... I will not let you go!" cries Feral, still weak from the hits received "you will not take away the crystal, damn!"
"Fool!" says Lisa, "It’s a sacrilege reject the defeat of a duel!"
"Forget this talk!" yells Boss "What do we do now? The Borot cannot go out in this way!! "
"He was condemned himself" replies Lisa "Look" and she indicates a point in the sky that magnify even more: an enormous eagle.
"Go, Ayala" says solemnly Lisa.
The eagle attacks Feral with its claws and he is forced to let go for pain, and, falling down, he was pierced by a wedge-shaped pointed rock, dying instantly.
Boss and the others look, shocked.
"Violating the laws of the clan means to be sentenced to death" says Lisa.
The ship leaves the Creed planet.
There are again six days to the alignment of the seven stars.

Next: Hikaru begins her journey!

The next episode will be posted on 10 November, because on 30 October I will be at Lucca's fair on comics, manga and anime: I will post you a photographic service! :diablo:

If you want to comment, you can post here: #entry475047438

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view post Posted on 10/11/2011, 14:49     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru, after a confrontation with Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, was overland in the Betelgeuse colony. She was hosted by Nakashima family: Jimmy, the son of Professor Nakashima, takes a liking to Hikaru and helps her. Hikaru decides to go on the planet Bespin to enlist under an assumed name in the Amazons of Jezabel to save her son. Meanwhile, daisuke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. The Boss Robot finds the first crystal, defeating, with luck, Feral, one of the Six Generals of the Dark One.
(NOTE: In this fanficion, Koji is the pilot of Mazinger Z and Alcor, similar to Koji, is the pilot of the TFO and Double Spacer. Alcor and Koji are two different people, even they are similar almost as twins: Daisuke is the friend of Alcor, not of Koji)

Daisuke looks the space in silence. In the shadow zone, where they are now, there are no stars: it seems to swim in the ink of China.
"How can we orient ourselves in this black sky?" says a person behind him. Turning, Daisuke sees Alcor, his friend, who approached him.
"We are synchronized on the emission lines of the crystals that we seek" answers Daisuke "They are the ones that make us a guide. When we come to a planet, suddenly we find a sun that illuminates it, satellites and all that, as a common solar system. I believe that this "shadow area" is a kind of dimensional tunnel."
"Cripes, you seems like Professor Umon. But did you think to this when you looked out? "
"No..." responds Daisuke in a whisper.
Suddenly, they hear a siren and a voice that says:
"Spaceship coming. It is docking. "
The two men look at each other and understand: Boss is back. Everyone flock to the communication door of the hangar: Boss comes out, holding up the red crystal with a triumphant air. Nuke and Mucha follow him. The friends compliment with Boss, when another person exit from the door, totally unexpected. She is a wild-looking girl, with her hair in a braid, and wearing leather dresses. She brings with her on back a bag, tied to a rope that she held firmly in her hand.
"Hola, amigos! (Hallo, friends!) You are a lot of people!" says the mysterious character, raising a hand of peace. She has a cheerful smile and a curious glance. But there is something feral in her movements.
"And who is this girl, Boss?" asks Tetsuya, puzzled.
"Well ... she is a wolf-girl of that planet, she helped us...she wanted to come here at all costs ... her name is Lisa"
"Lisa Vold, hombre (friend). I see that you are all here to fight. There will be fun!"
She approaches to Tetsuya, looking him straight.
"Hmm…are you the strongest?"
Jun immediately puts in the middle of them.
"What kind of questions are you doing?" she asks puzzled. Lisa looks her concerned and says:
"What a surprise, a muchacha nigra (black woman)...Why you are behaving like this? Are you her mistress?"
Jun does not know what to say, and she turns to Boss, who, embarrassed, takes place:
"Calm down, Lisa ... I'm sorry, she is from a different world and then, well ..."
"No problem, boss," says Daisuke "if she is your friend, she is also our friend. Welcome to the Cosmo Special, Lisa Vold " says to the wolf girl, shaking her hand "I hope that you feel comfortable here"
"Seguro que sì! (Surely!) I like being in the midst of so many locos (madman) that have the courage to challenge the Dark One!"
Everyone gathers around Boss and the wolf-girl to hear the story, making a thousand of questions. Daisuke goes away for a moment. When he was looking out into space, he did not think to the Dark One or something similar. He wondered where was Hikaru.

The flying machine has reached the Spaceport, at the capital of Betelgeuse. From the machine, two people go down: a guy with a bag and a woman with short hair and casual clothes. She also brings with her a bag. Hikaru and Jimmy look around, a bit lost. At one point, Jimmy says:
"That way, Hikaru!"
"Don’t call me so, Jimmy! I told you, it's best I would not be recognized: call me Rukia! It is my anagram…try to remember it!" replies Hikaru, frightened.
"But in this crowd who could know you?"
"You never know…"
Hikaru was sorry to have his hair cut: now, they are exactly as once. But he had no choice: she have to try hiding herself as much as possible. It's true that Jezabel believes she is dead, but you can never be too cautious.
"This is a bar: let's sit down a moment" says Jimmy. Hikaru is in agreement: she needs to stop for a moment and think a bit. The environment is full of aliens of a thousand different planets, some in human form, other in human-like form and others not at all human. Although it is a chaos of voices, Hikaru understands almost everything they say.
"How does the universal translator?" asks Jimmy to Hikaru, just sit. She looks at the bracelet on the wrist and responds:
"It was very damaged, when I found you on the beach ..."
"SST!" Hikaru silences him at once putting a hand over his mouth "Don’t talk about these things, Jimmy! And remember, I'm Rukia!" she says with a whisper.
"Sorry ... Rukia. Are your documents are in place? "
"Sure" says Hikaru, watching yet another time. "Rukia Aotsuki of the planet Deneb 5" reads "But…really exists a planet with a name so idiot?"
"Sure. It has ten thousand races and more than a billion of dialects. It is out of business lines: it is an area of misfits. It's almost impossible to say that document..."
He was about to say "is a fake" but Hikaru stops him immediately.
A giant waiter approaches a waiter giant, bald-headed and with dark glasses. With a hollow voice he asks:
"The gentlemen wish?"
"Ah ... two beers, thanks" responds Jimmy.
"But that guy is the bouncer?" asks Hikaru asks, surprised.
"Also. You know, there are ‘turbulent’ people close to this Spaceport. How are you with money?"
"Your father has got one thousand credits selling my necklace. I think that's enough for the trip. However, I still have some pieces of the series, just in case "
"So, you are really determined to go to Bespin"
"I told you, Jimmy: I have no choice"
Jimmy sighs, then pulls out a sheet from his pocket and shows it to Hikaru.
"This is the train timetable"
"Train? But Bespin is a planet, not a city I have to go on a spaceship, Jimmy!"
"Funny you do not know…however, there are space trains that connect a planet with each other. They are the safest and fastest. A spacecraft would take days to get there: only a space train can take you to Bespin in a day's journey. The problem is that it is very expensive. I've never gone over them. However one thousand credits are a lot of money, should be enough "

"Five thousand."
"What did you say?" asks Jimmy, with his mouth open.
"Five thousand credits for Bespin, one way." replies the conductor, annoyed.
"But this is a robbery!" exclaims the boy, shocked. Hikaru pulls his dress, motioning to cease it.
The two people sit on a bench with a disconsolate air, in the midst of dozens of trains and tracks. Some trains leave, others arrive and others are still awaiting their departure. A steady stream of people passing hasty and does not pay attention to Jimmy and Hikaru.
"Damn" exclaims suddenly the boy "As if it was made of gold, the train! Five thousand of credits! What are we doing, Hi..Rukia?"
Hikaru does not know what to say. She must go to Bespin to at any cost, as soon as possible. At Bespin there are the Amazons. That can bring her to Jezabel. And Rex. She must go.
"The only way" whispers Hikaru "is the illegal shipment"
Jimmy stands up in front of Hikaru "But it is dangerous! There is the death penalty for illegal immigrants here!"
"Excuse me" says a soft voice behind them.
Jimmy leaps and turns. The speaker is a woman dressed in black from head to foot, with a fur hat on her head, black, as well as the suitcase that she carries with herself. She has long blonde hair and a sweet and mysterious look. She aims at Hikaru, saying:
"Are you Rukia Aotsuki?"
"Yes" responds her, completely surprised.
"This is for you" and hands her a train ticket. Hikaru takes and examines it: it is really the ticket for Bespin.
"She must write her name on the dotted line" continues the mysterious woman. Hikaru cannot believe it.
"But ... I don’t have five thousand credits to give to you!"
"It does not matter" she says, moving away "Keep your ticket and have a good trip, Your Majesty!"
Before the two, amazed, could respond, she is already far away.

A boy, standing in front of a train which is about to leave, looks around with an agitated air. He has a beige wide-brimmed hat and a cape of the same color, which surrounds him like a poncho. He reassures himself when he sees the woman with the black fur hat that comes close to him.
"Thank goodness you arrived on time, Maetel" says eagerly the boy "The train is about to leave!"
"Sorry, Tetsuro. I have had an important task, but now we can go "
The woman gets on the running board when Tetsuro asks:
"Maetel ..."
"I'm sorry, but that ticket...to who you have given it?"
"It's a long story, Tetsuro. For now I cannot tell you"After a moment's pause, she adds: "The universe, Tetsuro, is full of mysteries and we can understand only a small part. But know that everything has a meaning and a purpose. Come on, the journey we need to do is long."
They both rise. The train whistle, emitting smoke, and moving slowly, then gradually faster, showing the serial number "999" on the side. It steps up the ramp and disappears into space.

Here comes the moment of departure for the train of Hikaru. Jimmy has a sad look.
"I wanted to go with you..." he says.
"You go tomorrow for the Earth. Your parents need you, Jimmy. Did not you want to see your home planet? "
The boy does not respond.
"By myself, I can hardly be noticed, but in two, surely the only ones of the Earth... we should attract attention and it would be dangerous"
"Yeah" says Jimmy, unconvinced.
"When this story is over, I'll go to Earth to see you, Jimmy. I promise you."
After a moment of silence, Jimmy, cast, gives to her a metallic object.
"Hold. It's something I had done long ago. Accept it as a gift "
Hikaru observes the object.
"Thank you, Jimmy...what is it?"
"It's a small teleporter. It only serves to transport objects, not people. It could help you. Here are the instructions" says Jimmy, handing a paper to Hikaru.
"Thank you, Jimmy..." repeats Hikaru, moved "You were very kind and helped me a lot. I'll come to find you with Daisuke, I promise you... did you gave me your address? "
"It's on the sheet I gave you"
Hikaru reads it, but for a moment she does not understand.
"But ... your name is not Jimmy Nakashima?"
"No, Nakashima is the name of my father, not his surname. My name is Jimmy Rei"
"Jimmy Rei...it sounds good!"
The train whistles: it is a sign that it is about to leave. Hikaru hugs Jimmy and kisses him on the cheek.
"Goodbye, Jimmy ... I will return, I promise!" she says, climbing into the carriage.
The train slowly moves away, while Jimmy follows it, before walking, then running, waving Hikaru, which is faced on the window. Then, the train goes up the ramp and goes away into the sky, becoming a dot before the eyes of Jimmy, who now feels alone. He liked being with Hikaru in those days, and regrets that they have passed so quickly. Once again, he asks himself if it would be better to go with her. He walks, silent and indifferent to the crowd, to his flying machine. Before leaving, he gives one last look at the Spaceport of Amuro, the capital of Betelgeuse. Jimmy does not know yet, but this name – Amuro - will be engraved to him, and one of his descendants will have this name in the future, guiding a robot, Gundam, that will become legend.
But that's another story.

Next episode (20 November): It is the time of Getter Robot! :getta:

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view post Posted on 20/11/2011, 12:12     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru, after a confrontation with Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, is over land in the Betelgeuse colony, unknown to all. Hikaru decides to go on the planet Bespin to enlist under an assumed name (Rukia Aotsuki) in the Amazons of Jezabel. Meanwhile, Daisuke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. The Boss Robot finds the first crystal, defeating luckily Feral, one of the Generals of the Dark One.

Michiru Saotome reads her notes, while she is drinking coffee. The calculations are correct: the three Getter ships and her ship are all in perfect condition. Now she is analyzing the ability of the Cosmo Special. The alien technology she had seen when they were on Fleed left her open mouth. The ability to combine a science so advanced as that with the fleedian science with the Getter Energy gives amazing possibilities for the future.
Science had fascinated her since childhood. Her mother died when she was young and her father, Professor Saotome, had taught her the secrets of the atom and of the Getter Technology. Her scientific knowledge has nothing to envy to that of her father, although she prefers not to show it and to be on the second line. She feels a strong commitment to fighting and she always wanted to support the Getter team from the start, although, strangely, she never wanted to drive the Getter robot. Since her brother Tetsuro died driving the Getter prototype, she has always been afraid to drive in the Getter robot.
Being in the second line has always been my calling, thinks Michiru, looking out the space at the window. I could never do like Jun and Sayaka, even though I admire them.
Suddenly, she feels that something shines and a red line appears in front. Astonished, she realizes that the crystal, that Ryo had given to her, is shining. This, time, the next battle is for the Getter team! Suddenly, she gets up, taking the crystal and running towards Ryo’s room.

The captain of the Getter team, with a karate dress, is sitting on the floor, in the lotus position, collecting the energy. The fury which assails him in battle is getting stronger: his yoga meditation techniques are necessary because they can harness this power and know how to channel. If not, he will put at risk his life and that of his companions. Suddenly, the door opens and enters Michiru:
"Ryo! The crystal shines! It's up to us! "
Ryoma Nagare gets up slowly and says to the girl:
"All right, I'm going to change. Call the other team members!"

Hayato Ijuin plays the harmonica. It is his way to relax before a battle, because he has the feeling that it will be there very soon, and often his predictions are right. It is a thing he realized after numerous clashes. Michiru, who is going breathless, confirms the feelings of the pilot of Getter 2.

Musashi Tomoe drinks happily his sake with Boss Borot and Lisa Vold. They laugh by telling jokes and stories: it is the way to relax of Musashi, the pilot of Getter who has seen much death in the face of others. Michiru calls him and rebuked him for his behavior, as always. But she knows that Musashi becomes completely sober before each fight.

The Getter team is in front of Daisuke, while everyone the people is listening.
"You were really quick to prepare. I had not even called you that you are already here!" says Daisuke, admiringly.
"Never mind the compliments, Duke" answers Ryo, not accustomed to these words "Thank you, but tell me the facts. Where should go the Getter team?"
"Over there" says, indicating a planet beyond the window of the Cosmo Special. A world completely covered by fog and mist blurred, where it is impossible to distinguish anything: land, sea or mountains. To say that it is gloomy is an euphemism.
For a moment, Ryo repress a shudder, without knowing why. It's a feeling that he rarely tests , and he does not like.
"What kind of world is it? It sounds like a hellish pit!" says Ryo.
"You are not far from the reality..." says Daisuke "This planet is called Hades, and it is the home to one of the Generals of the Dark One: Baron Samedi. He is also called the Lord of the Cemeteries. He commands the spirits of the dead"
"Like the General Hardias of Mikene" says Tetsuya.
"What? In a place like this, I would never put my foot!" says Lisa Vold, the wolf girl, frightened. Against such things, the ability of a wolf is of little use.
"You're right, Lisa, it is a terrible place. This time Grendizer will accompany you, Ryo. I do not want to leave you alone"
"Stories" says Ryo "We have already spoken about this, Daisuke. We must get as soon as possible to Darkhold: if you come with us we may not do in time. Do not worry, the Getter team will beat them. Right, Hayato?"
"You know the answer."
"We have tackled all sorts. I don’t want to miss this!"
"OK, guys. In five minutes at the most I want you ready in your spacecraft. Let's go!"
The Getter team leaves fast the room, before the eyes of all.
On his spaceship Getter Eagle, Ryo begins the call.
"Getter Team, report!"
"Getter Jaguar, ready!" Hayato says.
"Getter Bear, ready!" Musashi says.
"Spaceship Command, ready!" Michiru ends.
"Go!" shouts Ryo.
The three Getter ships and the white ship of Michiru leave the Cosmo Special and head for the Hades planet.

The four spacecraft penetrate a bank of fog that seems never end. The pilots barely see one another: only the radio and radar allow a minimum of communication. For several hours, the journey continues in this way, and no end in sight: no land, no boundaries, no sign of life.
I have never seen anything more depressing. Only Teiou Gooru (Emperor Gol), or Burai Taitei (Emperor Brai) would find at home here, thinks Ryo, remembering the old enemies of the Getter team. The radar is beginning to cause problems.
"Michiru" says Ryo, opening the contact with the Command Ship "Are we on track?"
"Sure, Ryo" replies the woman, looking at the crystal in front of her and the red line that continues from the crystal through the mist "The problem is that we had to land times ago and yet we are still in the air. I don’t understand…"
"Continue to guide us. The radar seems to me to become unstable: now we will stay together with the automatic formation."
Ryo communicates with the two pilots:
“Hayato, Musashi, Getter 1 formation!"
"OK" answer both.
"Chaaaaaange ... GETTER!"
Even in the mist, helped by automatic system, the three ships combine themselves perfectly: the red robot Getter 1 is ready and glides out his mantle, going next to Michiru’s Command Ship, remaining at her side. From his yellow exagonal eyes goes out a light that tries to wipe out the indistinct haze, without great success. At some point, the red robot sees something solid and lands over there, with Michiru’s ship.
"Only rocks here, I think. I don’t feel any signs of life" says Hayato.
"Heck, I've seen happier cemeteries" adds Musashi "This Baron Samedi must be a real depressing type"
"I wonder if he really commands the spirits of the dead?" asks Ryo.
"Don’t talk about these things, Ryo, we are already pretty depressed" says Michiru, a little scared.
Suddenly, a hallucinating scream startled the pilots.
"What the heck was that?" asks Musashi.
"It was as if someone had butchered" says Hayato.
Then they hear different noises, rumbling, hissing and other screams. Even looking around all the time, the Getter team does not see anything. The fog rises slightly, showing a bleak and desolate landscape. The Getter Team has the nerves to the breaking point.
Where the hell are we finished? thinks Ryo. And exclaims: "Getter Tomahawk!", releasing unison two sharp tomahawks, which are grasped firmly by the Getter Robot, putting himself in a position of defense.
"Why were you armed, Ryo? I don’t see anything" asks Musashi.
"It’s only to be sure ... wait! Look there!"
A pale light illuminates a figure walking in the air, with absolute peace of mind, toward them. It has human dimensions, and seems a woman covered with rags and torn clothes. Her hair is curly, long and black; she has a huge python wrapped around her. He smiles safe and disturbing. The Getter team does not know what to say.
"Is her that Baron Samedi?" asks Ryo.
"I did not think it was a woman," says Hayato.
The suspended figure makes a slight bow and speaks with the voice of the grave:
"Thank you, it's really an honor
to be mistaken for my lord;
but in truth his lieutenant I am.
Do not you feel that scream?"

And, so saying, she raises her arm slowly to her side, with palm open. Immediately after this, they hear a rumble that seems to come from underground. The ground moves and for Getter Robot is hard to stand. Michiru is raising her spaceship in mid-air.
Then, they look at with eyes wide open: a myriad of monsters and giant robots emerges from the ground, screaming. They are all full of cracks, sores and scars; they move awkwardly, like zombies. The mysterious woman opens her arms in the mid-air and talks with a tomb voice, almost like a song:
"Get up, you dormant, from the sleep of rock;
on this night of full moon I open the lock!
I give you a single drop of life,
receive the darkness and its emblem as if they were your wife.
I command it! I want it!
Terror and disaster are harboring with me!
Rise now from damp rock as following a sing,
and fight hungry for your king!
I control the wrath of the dead easily as singing a lira,
I answer to the name of Pomba Gira!"

Ryo for a moment is petrified before the awful spectacle that is in front of him, but then the other two Getter pilot shake him.
"Move on, Ryo!"
"Do not waste time, they are coming on!"
The pilot of Getter 1 reacts:
"Tomahawk Boomerang!"
The weapons’ blades slice mercilessly the monsters they encounters, and then go back. The Getter Robot takes them for the handle and throws them again. And again. And again. Many monsters fall, but many advance: in addition, the fallen ones are slowly recomposing and get up.
"Damn it, we will not get to anything in this way!" says Ryo.
"Pass to me the command" says Hayato "maybe a stronger shot can finish them"
"OK, let's try"
The robot splits into three ships and then it compose himself at once into the Getter 2 of Hayato, with the terrible drill instead of the right hand.
"Getter Drill!"
The Getter passes through the sea of zombie-robots, mangling them and continuously overflowing them. But their number is innumerable, and the robot is captured and immobilized by several hands.
"Damn, but they never end?" says Hayato, despondently. He must increase the power of the auger to maximum: the rotating speed of the weapon increases at an impressive level, up to generate a tornado.
"Hurricane Getter!"
The giant zombies are thrown away on every side and fall: many of them are broken in the fall. But everyone eventually get up and move forward.
"Hayato, the Getter 3 is the strongest of all: passes the commands to me. Meanwhile I keep them busy, you think of a strategy" says Musashi.
"Received" meets Hayato "Change in Getter 3!"
Again, the spacecraft separate themselves and rearrange to get the squat form of Musashi’s Getter.
"Shot of Mount Daisetsu!" says the pilot, grasping a zombie robot and making hit him to the other. Even if the opponents attack him, they cannot prevail, overwhelmed by the fighting techniques of Musashi.
Pomba Gira, motionless in midair, contemplates the clash amused.
"This show is notable:
three fighters in one,
each of them really admirable
and really they fear no one!”

Stroking the head of the snake wrapped around her, she adds:
"See, Kraken, my darling,
as they struggle in vain?
For how great is their power,
eventually it runs out of order.
But the patience of the dead fiends
and their assault never ends."

The battle becomes more fierce, but the more time passes, the more Getter feels submerged by a flood of non-living.

30 November: Fearful fight! The evilness of Pomba Gira! :foglia:

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view post Posted on 30/11/2011, 11:15     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Duke and Hikaru were married and they went to live on Fleed as king and queen. But their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. Hikaru, after a confrontation with Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, was overland in Betelgeuse colony, unknown to all. She decides to go on Bespin planet to enlist herself under a fake name in the Amazons of Jezabel to find Rex. Meanwhile, Duke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. Now this is the turn of Getter Team, who deals with the hordes of monster and robot zombie controlled by Pomba Gira, the lieutenant of Baron Samedi, one of the Six Generals at the orders of the Dark One...

From how long are they fighting? Ten minutes, one hour, twenty years? The Getter transformations continue and the monsters are torn apart and then they recompose themselves. Ryo feels that his obscure desire to let go by his combat fury is mounting: his breathing becomes more and more labored.
"Getter Beam!"
From the chest of the Getter 1 comes the green ray that only he can send: the zombie robots remain immobilized in a moment and then they turn to dust. For a moment, the three pilots think that victory is near. Vain hope: after a while, the dust rises again and the monsters are recomposed. The Getter Team is exhausted: in particular, Ryo feels like a red veil which falls over his eyes. Now he cannot longer restrain: the madness of fighting of Ryoma Nagare is now exploded.
"Stop, Ryo!" screams Musashi: he has understood immediately.
"You're just playing enemy’s game! Getter Robot will run out even more!" cries Hayato.
But Ryo laughs with a crazy laughter. Now his eyes shine, bloodthirsty, and Getter Robot strikes merciless who appears before him: no matter how many opponents are and they cannot ever die: before Getter Robot everyone falls as ears of corn before the scythe. The two Getter Tomahawks hit repeatedly with ghastly results, and the Getter Cutter (the blades on his forearms) increases the emptiness around him. The Getter Beam hits with full power, and the robot gets closer and closer to Pomba Gira. The latter, in human dimensions, remains suspended in midair, watching amused everything with interest. She did not expect so much resistance. Suddenly, the Getter flies quickly towards her to grab her, while Ryo screams with all his fury. But an invisible barrier blocks the Getter in the air, falling violently to the ground, submerged with zombie monsters. Pomba Gira laughs and says:
"Impossible is to corner
who has of the dead ones the power.
Even you fighters will be my servant,
you will be part of the eternal dormant! "

The Getter gets up quickly, ready to return to the attack, when he hears a noise behind him: a gigantic being has erupted from the ground, much greater than the others, with a helmet with three horns and a torn coat. His glance is on fire and his mouth has two large canine teeth facing up. A bearded face checks out in front of his chest, with a wound on his forehead and with eyes full of hate. A nightmare vision.
"But he is..." says Hayato, who recognizes him from the description that Tetsuya had done to him long ago "he is the Ankoku Daishogun, or Black General, of Mikene! Or better, his zombie form! "
Even Musashi and Ryo recognize him and for a moment they are speechless. The sword of Ankoku Daishogun clashes with the two tomahawk of Getter Robot, which parry the blow, but the terrible force of the impact throws away the robot, which bangs violently against the surrounding rocks. Although is in a zombie form, Ankoku Daishogun has lost none of his strength, which seems also increased by hatred.
Pomba Gira says:
"Do not think that are devoid of reason
these zombies legion.
Each of them has linked to you a story
and bear a grudge for the sad end of their glory,
if not for your fault, that of your friends:
they want revenge for their end! "

The Getter flies up, trying to have a break, when goes hit by flying missiles, thrown by another robot-zombi: the Genocyber F9 of the army of Dr. Hell. Ryo does not have time to recover from the surprise that the enemy robot goes against him, making it fall to the ground, where he is taken by another robot zombi that holds him in a terrible iron grip: the King-Goli, who shouts his victory. The Getter tries to escape, but the grip of the monster is worse than a bite. With a stroke of the tomahawk, the arm of the King-Goli is sliced clean off, and the robot is free. Flying, Getter is landing on a rocky ledge, which allows him to see the scene. There is no hope: in addition to others, he sees even the Great Devil Burai Taitei, who had once commanded the demons against the Getter team. Ryo, Hayato and Musashi feel caught by despair, when they hear a voice:
"Come on, guys! I'm here!"
The speaker was Michiru, who from the Commando Ship pulls out a device similar to a mechanical giant bazooka.
"I had to take a while to assemble the components" continues the girl, "Stand aside!"
The Getter flies high, while from the bazooka takes out a large and bright green beam, which encompasses the entire area, making screaming monsters and zombie-robots that turn to dust, without any mention of reconstruction.
"But ... Michiru, you used the Navarone Cannon?" asks Ryo asks, amazed.
"That's right: this is the cannon that can send the Getter Beam at maximum power. Remember how we it helped us in similar situations in the past? "
"How did you know that it would help us?"
"I noticed that, when you used the Getter Beam, their turn to dust, at least for a bit. I thought then that a Getter Beam at full power would work. I assembled the Navarone Cannon while you fought: you were smart to hold out for so long time, Ryo"
"You are great, Michiru!" responds the other, genuinely admired: the spirit of observation of the girl never ceases to amaze him.
But, suddenly, a huge monster, like a serpent, assails the Command Ship, destroying the Navarone Cannon at once and throwing away the ship, slamming hard against the ground, leaving pieces everywhere.
"Michiru!" cry the three men upset. But they don’t have time to react: the monster-snake wraps the Getter Robot in its coils and opens the huge mouth filled with jaws to devour him. It is the Kraken of Pomba Gira, who launched to attack on its mistress’ orders. Pomba Gira has taken the size of the Getter Robot and looks with anger on her enemy, now wrapped in the coils of her snake. With the free arm, the Getter 1 tries to hold the head of the monster, but it slowly drops on him, while the drool dripping from its mouth burns the metal surface of the robot. Pomba Gira speaks with cruelty:
"Don’t think about your victory;
lasted only a moment your glory,
my servants will be back soon:
meanwhile my Kraken will be your doom"


Next (10 December): Baron Samedi! :via:

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view post Posted on 10/12/2011, 14:27     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Duke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. After several adventures, Hikaru decides to go on the planet Bespin to enlist herself under an assumed name in the Amazons of Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One. Meanwhile, Duke, with other friends, organize the rescue of Rex chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. And this is the turn of Getter Team, which at the end can defeat the hordes of zombies-monsters controlled by Pomba Gira, the lieutenant of Baron Samedi, one of Six General at the orders of the Dark One. But the victory is short-lived: Michiru, with his ship, was swept away by the Kraken, Pomba Gira’s serpent, which wraps with its coils the Getter.

The Getter 1, wrapped by the snake, still holds the serpent's head with his free hand, but Kraken’s coils hold very tight the robot. Ryo feels powerless: he used all his skills in the previous outbreak of fighting fury. Hayato speaks to him at microphone:
"Ryo, hear me: give to me the commands!"
The commander of Getter Team is so exhausted by fatigue that for him is hard even to understand what Hayato says: but as soon as he understand, he pulls a lever. The Getter 1 is divided into three spaceships, disorienting the Kraken, who cannot hold him. Just they move away from the snake - which remained in the air - the three spaceships are reunited in a different way:
"Chaange…Getter TWO!"
Hayato’s robot starts off pulling in the mid-air in front of the Kraken, while the auger on his arm starts to spin.
"The Getter has faced the Dinosaurs Empire" says Hayato "You’ll see if we cannot defeat a too grown up snake just like you!"
The robot starts running rapidly around the monster, developing in this way several copies of itself to confuse him.
"My Getter is the fastest of the three, Kraken-idiot: prepare yourself!"
All the images of Getter 2, around the Kraken, point against the monster the drill, throwing it at full speed like a rocket that spins around itself at enormous speed.
"Drill missile!" screams Hayato.
But the Kraken suddenly avoids the auger and attacks the real Getter with its jaws, slicing cleanly through the arm with the gripper. Hayato and the Getter 2 slam hard against the rocks below: despite the violence of the impact, the robot tries to get up right away, but the attempt is futile: it is wrapped again in the coils of the Kraken
as before, but this time the grip is very stronger than before and it is no longer possible for the robot dividing again into three spaceships. The teeth of the snake sunk cruelly into the sheet metal of the Getter 2, tearing it. Pomba Gira says satisfied:
"You are in big mistake
in seeing only a snake
in my Kraken with great turns:
you will perish in great burn!"

Michiru lies slumped over the dashboard of her Command Machine, while a trickle of blood goes down her forehead. Suddenly, gets on a soft voice:
No response. The girl remains unconscious and unresponsive.
"Michiru, wake up!"
She laboriously opens her eyes and begin to look around. Everything is blurry and it is hard to look well: she has took a strong blow and she has yet to recover. Fortunately, she had a helmet. But she does not understand well: someone called her? It seemed like a familiar voice ... maybe one of those dreams of slumber ...
"Michiru, it's me!"
This time she heard well. She jumps up on the back of the chair, looking around more carefully, a little scared: but there is no one, only hazy mist. No, there's something, a vaguely human shape…before the girl’s eyes, the shape becomes more precise, even if transparent and ghostly. At first, Michiru does not recognize it, but then lets out a cry of horror and amazement: it is her brother Tetsuro, who died leading the Getter prototype years ago!
"It is not possible…Tetsuro…are really you? Am I dreaming? Or...or I'm also dead?"
"No, sister, you're not dead" replies the ghost, smiling "This is the valley of the dead, where Baron Samedi commands. Listen, I have little time: the belt. Remember the belt, Michiru ... "
The ghost disappears in the fog, and Michiru says:
"Tetsuro! Tetsuro! Where are you? "
The girl comes out from the ship, looking around: nothing, just a ghostly mist.
The belt...what does it mean? It was really Tetsuro? My God...in what kind of place are we?
The girl looks at her belt, without understanding: then she is up to something. Staggering, Michiru comes back to the ship and controls the commands. Fortunately, they respond. She turns on the radio and speaks into the microphone:
"Michiru to Getter. Michiru to Getter. Answer me!"

The internal machines of the Getter groan under the scary close of the snake. Some cracks begin to develop in various parts of the robot, while the monster's fangs sunk deeper. Some electrical flashes appear in the pilot cabins.
"Damn" exclaims Hayato, sweating cold. By pulling a lever, he notes that the light that interested him is still on. His mouth stretches into a grin.
Well - thinks – as I hoped. You’ll have a little surprise, big lizard!
The drill, launched earlier and gone over half underground, rises slowly, coming out of the hole it had made, and obeying to the commands of Hayato. The pointed end of the object turns to the monster's head. It get around itself, first slowly, then faster and faster, until it became almost invisible to the great speed, without the slightest noise. It 's all ready. Hayato suddenly cries:
"Drill missile at full power!"

The auger goes instantaneously, at a rate higher even than that of a bullet, piercing the head of the Kraken with such a violence to making it explode. The monster is beheaded and his coils fall instantly at the foot of the Getter, under the amazed gaze of Pomba Gira. The woman, full of anger, shouts:
"Kraken! It is not possible!
For this, my wrath will be unbelievable!"

Out of nowhere, she pulls out a sword and prepares to attack the Getter, but at that moment a voice behind her stops her instantly.
"Enough, Pomba Gira. You have lost. Stand aside."
Baron Samedi, with white hair tossed by the wind, has just appeared, walking on the air and watching the two opponents with his eyes without irises. His ragged dress shows his cadaverous skin. His dimensions are equivalent to those of Getter. Pomba Gira, upset, steps aside.
"I obey, my lord,
even if I want to use my sword!"

"Did you have not yet understand, Pomba Gira?" continues the General, turning to her his back and watching the Getter "This is the realm of the dead. A kingdom silent and without battle. In this place, everything is finished. The conflicts are out of this world: my army of zombies acts out of Hades, not inside."
The woman does not respond, looking down in anger.
Hayato says: "So…you are the boss? Baron Samedi? "
"Exactly. I am Baron Samedi, the Lord of the Cemeteries, one of Six" replies the other, without any movement, in quiet, as if he was merely talking.
"Correction: of the Five." says the pilot "Feral is dead, and now it's your turn"
Baron Samedi does not respond or even move.
"Well?" asks Musashi "Do you attack or want to stand still as a statue?"
"I've already attacked you, did not noticed?"
Ryo, Hayato, and Musashi are surprised: where is this attack? Hayato moves a lever to active the drill again, but he realizes to move himself with effort: the glove seems to have become larger...no, not just the glove, the whole suit. Even the helmet feels heavy. Then, he had never noticed all this dust on the controls. What is happening?
The other two drivers experience the same sensations. Musashi takes off his helmet, and watching his arms, he sees that they have become thin. Thin and wrinkled. He feels freeze instantly and touches his face. It's full of wrinkles. He has become an old man. And small pieces fall from the Getter, as if the robot has had a thousand years. The control levers move with difficulty, because they rusts slowly. Even Ryo and Hayato, frightened, realize they have aged instantly. The Getter, motionless, trembles as if he were about to collapse on itself. A little dust, blown by the wind, moves away from the robot.
"My attack is not physical like yours" says Baron Samedi "Didn’t I tell you that people call me “Lord of the Cemeteries”? At my command, at my mere presence, life runs away from me. I just need only of a look, a thought, very nothing, and everything around me becomes dust. The life is getting out from you, quickly, and soon you will die. But don’t worry: after your death, you will come back to me. And you will serve me forever."
20 November: the final battle!

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view post Posted on 20/12/2011, 19:15     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. But their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. After several adventures, Hikaru decides to go on planet Bespin to enlist under an assumed name in the Amazons of Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, to save Rex. Meanwhile, Daisuke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. And this is the turn of the Getter Team, which now faces Baron Samedi and his lieutenant, Pomba Gira. Although Pomba Gira was defeated, Baron Samedi makes old the Getter Robot and the three pilots, who are at the brink of death.

Musashi Tomoe feels weaker and older: the white hair are thinning and falling slowly, while his body is shaken by tremors. Maybe for "Musashi the immortal" has come his hour. But he has seen the death in face more than the others of Getter Team, and he refuses to surrender. He tries to react, moving forcefully the controls, which respond slowly and farraginous, creaking. Ryo and Hayato are now going to die and they are no longer conscious.
"Michiru to Getter! Michiru to Getter! Answer me!"
This voice...for Musashi is hard to hear, but he understands that it is Michiru’s voice. He must advise her. He opens the contact and says with a tired and hoarse voice:
"Mi…Michiru...run…run away, I beg you!”
"Musashi? Are you, Musashi? I hear you bad...no, don’t talk, listen to me! The belt! Your opponent has a belt? Take away from him! Take away from him, quick! "
A belt? Also the view is clouded for Musashi. But, making an effort, he notes that Baron Samedi has a leather belt at the hips.
I have to remove it? he thinks. Also thinking is tiring. But the tiny flame of hope gives incentive to Musashi. Tightening with force the few teeth that remain to him, pulls to him the automatic transmission lever.
"Getter chan ... change!"
The spacecraft separate themselves and reunite, albeit slowly and with difficulty, becoming the Getter Poseidon, the version of Getter 3 with legs.
"Mis ... missiles ... Getter!"
The missiles are sent against Baron Samedi, but they turn to dust as soon as these approach him. But they were enough to distract him for a moment. Appealing to all the remaining forces, Musashi screams with his cracking voice:
"Shot of Mount ... ... Daisetsu! Daisetsuzan Oroshi!"
The Getter Poseidon makes a rapid movement of martial arts, unexpected for Baron Samedi, who instinctively recoils: in that split second, the robot of Musashi grabs the belt of the opponent and snatches it with his last breath remained.
Baron Samedi screams with suffering, as if someone had torn a part of his body, and falls to his knees, shaken by tremors. The Getter Poseidon, which keeps the belt in his
hand, returns to normal, even if damaged by previous clashes, and Musashi finds himself suddenly as young as before. Ryo and Hayato are slowly awakening, realizing that they are returned to normal.
Pomba Gira does not understand what happened and observes without acting, reflecting thoughtfully.
Baron Samedi, on his knees, says, articulating with difficulty the words:
"...The Belt! Give me back the Belt, damn you! How did you to...to know...GIVE BACK IT TO ME!"
Musashi is surprised by the reversal of the situation and says:
"Hey, Ryo, now things are making better...now I’ll finish him!"
"Stop, Musashi, do not go near him! Even if we have the knife on the side of the handle, it's too dangerous!"
In another change of spaceships, comes back the Getter 1. Ryo turns the opponent:
"Listen to me, Baron Samedi"
"Yes...but hurry up!" replies the General, full of suffering.
"We came here for the crystal. Give to me the crystal and you'll have your belt. Otherwise, I’ll destroy it!"
Baron Samedi is silent for a moment. Then, he removes from a pocket a violet crystal, bright and shining.
"You want…this, right?"
Ryo is not convinced. It's too easy. He turns on the radio and says:
"Michiru, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Ryo. You've made it? "
"Maybe. Do you have again the crystal clear with you? The crystal which allows us to find the violet crystal?"
"Check how far goes its red line. The search line for the violet crystal"
"Let's see...the line goes from the crystal clear to you, boys"
"Can you be more precise? Where, exactly?"
Michiru watches the scene from afar with her binoculars: now the fog has cleared and in the distance she can see well the Getter. The girl finally answers:
"To the hands of that guy, all skin and bones on his knees in front of you"
"Well" answers Ryo. Then, turning to his comrades, he says: "It seems that the violet crystal who Baron Samedi has in hand is the right one. Things are going well."
"You're not going to return the belt to that crazy guy, I hope? I don’t want to become again a Methuselah!" protests Hayato.
"Me neither. But we certainly cannot kill it in cold blood" Ryo is undecided. Then, he turns to Baron Samedi:
"Meanwhile, throw me the violet crystal"
The Getter 1 takes away the belt in his hand, and, with the other hand, tends to receive the crystal that the General will throw to him.
It is a snap: Baron Samedi, with a slight smile, throws the crystal into the hands of the Getter 1. Ryo, immediately, realizes that something is wrong: in fact, just he grabs the crystal, he hears Michiru that screams by radio:
The other arm of the getter, which was holding the belt, is a clean break with a sword, making an arc in the air by its movement, and it was finally grabbed in a woman's hand. Pomba Gira, suddenly appeared behind the Getter, hit him with treason. In a move, she pushes to the ground the Getter and goes Baron Samedi with his belt in her hand.
"Perfect, Pomba Gira, perfect...” exclaims the General, rising to his feet to grab the Belt. But, while talking, instantly a blade check along its length behind his back, piercing his heart. A trail of blood exits from the mouth of Baron Samedi, as he says surprised:
"Pomba Gira…what...what did you do?"
And the woman replies with a wry and cruel smile:
"It 's time for things to change, my good lord:
It is time for Pomba Gira to have her honor!"

The Getter, who has quickly risen, assaults the woman, but it is blocked again by the force field that she has issued. Ryo does not waste time: he uses the full power of Getter Beam, but it is rejected. The robot insists and maintains the issue of the beam: he must be able to break the force field, before Pomba Gira puts on the Belt.
"Getter Tomahawk!"
By using the left arm, Getter hits badly the force field, which staggers: yet another strike and it is done. But it is too late: Pomba Gira has put on the belt, while Baron Samedi is in agony on the ground in a pool of blood. With a nod, she makes raise again the fallen zombies and turns to them, raising his bloody sword in the direction of the robot.
"Now with this belt you all obey!
Getter Team you have to destroy!”

Ryo is about to launch the Getter Tomahawk against Pomba Gira, but suddenly, unexpectedly, she ends up impaled by a giant figure behind him. The General Black, or Ankoku Daishogun, of Mikene has struck her with his sword. Pomba Gira, scared and surprised, drops her sword and grabs the blade that has pierced her. Turning to his murderer, she asks:
"What...are you fool?
You are my tool!
I am your mistress, I have the belt!
Protect me, cursed belt!"

"It's no use," says Baron Samedi in a whisper, barely lifting his head "the belt gave me authority over the dead, it is true, but it worked only on me...you ruined yourself with your hands, traitor!"
Baron Samedi's face falls to the ground and it does not move anymore. Pomba Gira shouts "NO!" with all her might, then remain in silence with eyes wide open. She is dead. Her body collapses on the sword of General Black and slowly turns to dust. Even Baron Samedi slowly disappears in the same way. Also the zombi robots and Ankoku Daishogun/Black General become sand and are swept away by the wind.
Now the Getter is alone in the wilderness, with only one arm and one tomahawk in hand, full of cracks and wounds from head to foot. It was a victory, of course, but surely the Getter Team will be difficult to forget this experience.
"What a hellish place" says Musashi with a shudder "Let's get out of here quickly!"
"I agree, Ryo" adds Hayato "although they are all gone, I'm not going to stay here a little longer!"
"Yeah, and the Getter has spent every ounce of his strength. It's a miracle if it is standing" replies Ryo, watching concerned the dials "Let's see if Michiru is well, then let’s go”
Walking with difficulty and almost limping, the Getter approaches where is Michiru’s Command Machine. Over there, on the roof of the Command Machine, Michiru raises her hands to greet them and to be seen.
"Are you right, Michiru?" asks Ryo.
"Not bad, after all. I have a knock on the head, and Command Machine is active - more or less - but it cannot fly "
"Let’s see what can we do"
By pulling a lever, a chain comes from Getter, with which the robot wraps - moving with difficulty - the spaceship of Michiru, tying it firmly and holding the ends of the chain. He uses this opportunity to bind to the ship also his off arm.
"Climb aboard the Command Machine, Michiru: now we‘ll leave behind this disgusting place"
"OK, Ryo"
The girl acts promptly, firmly closing the door behind her.
"Getter Wings!"
The coat comes out from behind the Getter and the robot begins to take, off carrying the Command Machine and going away as quickly as possible from that place of pandemonium.
At midway, there are problems: the robot has not enough energy. It will not be able to reach Cosmo Special: the problem is that the gravitational pull of the planet is still strong, despite the distance, and they risk all crashing to the ground from a frightening height just at the moment in which the activity of the motors ends up. Ryo immediately contact Cosmo Special:
"Getter Team to Cosmo Special! Getter Team to Cosmo Special! Respond, quick!"
"At your orders, Commander Ryoma!"
The speaker was Daisuke, aboard Grendizer, inside the Spacer. It comes immediately to Getter and Grendizer stretches out its hands, grasping the only arm of the Getter and the chain that wraps around the Command Machine.
"You've been through bad adventures, Ryo. You seem get out of a meat grinder" says Daisuke, smiling and relieved to see them still alive.
"Daisuke…Grendizer? How did you come so soon? Do you have a sixth sense?"
"No, Ryo, pure luck. You were on that planet for a long time and we were worried. At the end, I decided to go out for a patrol, but I have found you right away"
"From what amount of time we were there?"
"Nearly a full day. Now you can turn off the controls of the Getter, Ryo: I will bring you all to the Cosmo Special "
"Okay, Daisuke"
Ryo is suddenly seized by an enormous fatigue. Just he takes off the controls of the robot, he close his eyes a moment and he sinks into a deep sleep.

Herbie, the robot, is also the Cosmo Special doctor: it has just finished examining the three men and the girl of the Getter Team. The other pilots observe it worried.
"Well, Herbie?" asks Daisuke at the end.
"Roughly speaking, they are well, your Majesty. A few bruises, a few blows, but most important, they are physically and mentally exhausted. They need food and rest. Whatever they did, they have squeezed themselves at the very last drop"
For a moment, Daisuke feels guilty. Those guys have almost died in his place.
And the other pilots? Will they survive? And, if so, at what price?
I should go alone, he thinks. But he knows well because he did not go: it is impossible that only one, no matter how strong, could face all the Six Generals and even the Dark One himself. Grendizer, even enhanced, could not ever made.
I am indebted to all of them, he thinks, and I cannot ever repay them.
In silence, Daisuke enters into the room where Ryo, Hayato, Musashi and Michiru are sleeping. He sits and watches them. He pulls out from a pocket the violet crystal, which Ryo had given him.
Now we have two crystals, thinks Daisuke, and we're not even halfway. Still lacks five crystals: we'll make it? Will we be alive at the end?
Ryo and the others had made a great impression when they were dropped from Getter: they have had the face of who had not slept for days.
Have I really the right to ask the others to do the same?
Daisuke cannot answer and watches in silence the four peoples who sleep with a drip stuck in their arms that inject nutrients.
There are again five days at the alignment of the seven stars.
30 December: Hikaru and the Amazons

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view post Posted on 30/12/2011, 22:10     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex when, in several days, seven stars will be aligned. Daisuke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. Boss Robot retrieves the red crystal, luckily defeating General Feral; Getter Robot retrieves the violet one from Baron Samedi and Pomba Gira. Meanwhile, after many vicissitudes, Hikaru decides to go by space train on planet Bespin to enlist herself under an assumed name in the Amazons of Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, to save Rex.

The train travels fast in the space, even if it seems to move slowly to the passengers. Hikaru, sitting in a compartment next to the window, looks dreamily at the sight of planets and bright streaks that appear in front of her. Inside the train, it is all a wooden frame, with no partitions between a magazine and the other, just like the old trains. Hikaru remembers she has saw them in some old movie.
There are strange things in the world, thinks. For example, a former country girl who has fought giant robots, has felt in love with an alien prince, has become the queen of another world and now is a galactic adventurer. Sooner or later I should write a book. I would have lot of things to tell.
Hikaru smiles. But suddenly she thinks to Rex.
My son...where is him now? And Daisuke?
For a moment she seems to see them into the depths of space, and her face becomes sad.
"Ticket, please"
Hikaru jumps for the unexpected voice: she has not even noticed the controller, a man with a strange face, so dark you cannot see anything other than two eyes flashing in the middle. Without saying anything, she pulls the ticket out of the bag, which is looked at a time by the official: then, he stamps it. The man returns gently the ticket to her, saying:
"Thank you. Have a good trip" says, and he walks away.
Hikaru nods, smiling uncertainly, still a little frightened by the strange controller.
"Is it the first time you travel, girl?" says a woman, standing next to her, quite high, with a cloak and a hood pulled down over her eyes. Hikaru turns to the mysterious woman and responds:
"I see. Could I sit here, please? "
"Sure ..."
The hooded woman sits in front of Hikaru, with arms crossed and crossed her legs. Calmly but firmly asks:
"Where are you going?"
"To Bespin."
The other is silent. Hikaru is embarrassed. At some point, the woman says:
"It's a dangerous place. Too much dangerous for you. You're not the type of person who goes to Bespin. Why are you going there?"
"Well...there are personal reasons. Why do you ask? I do not know you"
The other makes a gesture of impatience and answers:
"And do you know someone at Bespin?"
Hikaru is silent and looks at the table between the two, in silence. The other continues:
"I thought so. Listen, forget who I am. This have not to import you. Why you are going to Bespin? Trust me. Answer!"
"I..." Hikaru says, hesitating. Can I trust her? But then she finishes the sentence:
"I would go to the recruiting center for the Amazons...to…to become one of them!"
Here, at least I said one reason.
The hooded woman is surprised and speechless for a moment.
"The Amazons of Jezabel? You mean these ones?"
"You're crazy. Those are beasts. And Jezabel is the worst of all"
"I know" Heck, if I know. "But I must do!"
The mysterious woman does not speak for some time, as if she was pondering. She stands still without moving. Even Hikaru remains silent. Suddenly, the stranger speaks:
"Do you have a sword?"
"Don’t you know? You cannot go to enlist in the Amazon without a sword. Do you have one? "
I never even used one.
"And I bet you have never used a sword in your life"
Damn, she reads my mind!
"It's clear that you go to enlist in the Amazon for a particular reason that has nothing to do with them. It’s a crazy thing, but you seem very determined. I do not want to ask you why, but I'll give you some advice"
She pulls out a sheet of paper and writes something on it. Then folds it in half and hands it to Hikaru.
"When you will be on Bespin, go to Manji, the gunsmith. Give to him this paper without a word and then ask him a sword. He will give it to you without problems"
Hikaru, with the paper in her hand, look at the unknown woman with surprise.
"But why you want to help me?"
"Perhaps because I like your face. You sound like a woman who has good intentions, despite the place where you're going" she says, standing up "You should go to sleep to Moro’s bar, it is the least infamous. And do not go out alone at night"
Hikaru understands that the woman is about to leave to remain and would like to know more about her.
"Wait a minute ... I want to thank ..."
"Forget it. Above all, be careful. I would accompany you gladly, but I have some very important commitments "
"At least stay with me until arrival"
"We are already at Bespin, have not you noticed?" replies the other, pointing to the window. Hikaru turns to see a planet that expands more and more.
"Wait ... at least tell me your name" says Hikaru.
"I did not ask your name, so seems right I don’t tell you mine. It is better you don’t know" After a pause, she concludes: "Make good trip. I hope you find what you want"
She turns up her hand, greeting, and walking away. She passes through the screen door and enters into the next wagon, as the door closes behind her. She walks with brisk, and at one point lowers her hood, revealing the face of a woman with long hair and determined look. You can notice a scar across her face and a sword-gun at her side as soon as the mantle moves. A red skull and crossbones on her suit are visible, at chest height. Everybody steps aside in her wake, frightened.

Hikaru goes down at the Bespin station. She has been overwhelmed by a flood of rumors that her automatic translator on the wrist is hard to interpret. Before her are passing people of all races, colors and forms: for example, some winged ones, some with four legs, others more human, but who would certainly not gone unnoticed on Earth. Several people carry weapons, like swords, guns, clubs. Along the streets, often muddy and full of strange beggars, there are stalls of all kinds. So many scents, so many sounds, many voices unheard before invest Hikaru, who walks through the city, looking around apprehensively. Along with great poverty neighborhoods, there are golden and glistening towers, rich and splendid houses.
I have never seen so much pomp and misery together, thinks Hikaru.
She understands that she is at the capital city of Bespin, called Maul: a crossroads for a thousand trades (very few of these honest trades). Hikaru sees that the hooded woman was not exaggerating, talking about this place: she has already seen, walking, at least two or three corpses in some alley. She feels a chill down her spine and keeps close to the laser gun hidden inside her pocket. Not that it would help her a lot: in just ten minutes walk, she has seen at least fifty guns on people. She certainly would have died before she could pull the trigger. But, at least, tightening the gun makes feel herself a bit safer. The Bespin sun is still high in the sky, but it’s better to hurry up.
“Don’t walk around alone at night”, said that girl. Personally, thinks Hikaru, I would prefer to be locked in a safe all day, rather than being just a second here. Here I can be slaughtered at any time, not only by night! In addition, she is being watched with curiosity, and this certainly does not contribute to calm her.
Damn, control yourself, otherwise you will be not useful for anyone, thinks.
She takes the paper that the unknown woman had given her and reads the address of Manji, the gunsmith. Beside there are other words written in another language that she does not understand and at the bottom there is a strange symbol that resembles a skull.
Following carefully the directions and asking to the less threatening types she meets, at the end she finds the shop she sought. A sign with the shape of a scimitar and the featured weapons leave little doubt. Once inside, it takes a moment because she get used to the darkness. Then, she distinguishes weapons inside: there are all types, from swords to laser, from shuriken to bo, also machine guns. There are even armors. At the bottom there is a desk, where a small man, a little bald, with a pair of glasses, is doing the accounts on an old computer console. A gigantic man stands with folded arms, remained motionless behind him. Hikaru realizes that there are others in different parts of the store, which is very large. They are all bodyguards, of course: given the type of goods he sells, precautions are necessary. As soon as he realizes of Hikaru, the man raises his head with a greasy and evil look. With a smile sweetly, he says:
"Good afternoon. What can I do for her?"
"Ah...er...are you Manji, the gunsmith?"
"Certainly, miss"
"I would like a sword, sir" she says, a little intimidated by all those gigantic men around her.
"A sword, miss? We have all kinds. How are willing to spend? "
Hikaru hands the paper, which the unknown woman gave her, to the gunsmith. He takes it and opens it, reading intrigued. Suddenly, his face becomes pale.
"Oh...I...I understand...now, er, I have a beautiful sword, yes, yes, wait a minute, please...Gyula, follow me!"
The giant who was behind him is surprised and follows the master in the back of the store. Even Hikaru was amazed. She did not expect such a reaction.
But who was that woman?
"Master, what is happening?" asks Gyula asked.
"Listen to me. And spread the word. She must be left alone. She is a friend of Emeraldas, the woman pirate! Look at this!"
Gyula reads the message and left speechless. Challenging Emeraldas means a painful death. No one would ever dare to do so. Many of his comrades are dead because of her. The giant cold sweats. Who would have imagined that this unknown woman had friends like her?
"I have to treat her fine, or I’m a dead man" says the gunsmith, opening a secret door and taking a sword with sheath embroidered. He returns quickly in the shop, showing the weapon to Hikaru.
"Well, young lady. It's a wonder, do you see?" says, putting his sword on the bench. Hikaru grabs the sword into the sheath and feels its heaviness: how on earth can people use a thing like that? Then draws the sword from its sheath and sees it twinkling in the darkness of the shop. Even if she does not intend, she understands that it is a masterpiece. Approaching the blade itself, not only she sees his reflection, but also the delicate and intricate embroidery of the decorations on the beginning and on the hilt of the sword. It is truly a wonder. She puts it in its scabbard and says:
"It's just amazing. Thanks, I'll take it. How much does it costs?"
As she speaks, she opens the bag and pulls out the money, dropping the piece of the necklace she had left and that falls on the bench. Picks it up and puts it back inside. Manji answers:
"Nothing, nothing, really...I don’t want money. That sword is the best one that I have. It is called Brisingamen with the wire perfect; it can compete even with a lightsaber"
"At least, you agree with these claims"
"No, no, I do not want nothing, nothing ... It’ s all right, young lady, go, everything is fine ... I wish you enjoy your stay here at Maul" says Manji, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.
"Oh, okay. Thank you very much, "says Hikaru, by binding to the sword at his side along with the belt. "Have a good day" she adds and exits.
Manji, as soon as she left the store, is breathing a sigh of relief.
10 January: Hikaru meets the Amazons

If you wish to comment, here's the link: #entry483547522

If you want to download the whole story right here in Word format, you can click on the attachment. :nagai:

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view post Posted on 11/1/2012, 15:39     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



Excuse me: due to problems with internet, I had to postpone the episode! It will be posted January 20, sorry for the inconvenience!

:dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito:
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view post Posted on 20/1/2012, 18:39     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank MICHI, ISOTTA, ATARU for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

SUMMARY: After the war against Vega, Duke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fleed as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex, when, in a different day, seven stars will be aligned. Duke and other friends organize the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. Meanwhile, after many vicissitudes, Hikaru arrives on Bespin planet to enlist herself under an assumed name (Rukia Aotsuki) in the Amazons of Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, to save Rex.

In another couple of shops, Hikaru buys some clothes suitable for a low price, together with an iron surplice to put under clothes, to be well protected. She puts a band on her forehead, to keep sweat and keep her hair stop. Now she looks like a sword fighter. Looking in the mirror, she smiles, thinking: I wonder what would say Duke, if he saw me.
Finding the “Osteria del Moro” was easier than she thought. After paying for a room, she takes a shower and eats a some bread and wine. After finishing the little dinner, she lies on bed with the towel on her, holding her sword sheathed. She extracts it in part, noting that it glitters with ease. She sits up, and, crossing her legs, pulls out all the sword.
Impressive, she thinks. At first, it seemed heavy, but now I'm a bit more used. It has always its weight, though. Captain Amauta had a good strength to handle these things. Hikaru moves and spins her sword, admiring the glint of the blade. But she must not lose time. Hikaru dresses quickly and goes down in the living room of the tavern, showing a coin to the bartender.
"Look, I would like information..." says "...where can I find the Amazons?"
The bartender, with a smile under his mustache, throws open the front of the hand, to have the money. Hikaru just gave it to him, and he shows her a woman, rather tall and strong, drinking beer, sitting at the counter. Her hair are short and black, with a long braid down her spine. She is wearing a coat of chain mail. She wears a sword at her side and has a dagger on the belt. She shows her back to Hikaru. She approaches to the woman, when a bearded man, muscular and his body full of scars, is approaching to Hikaru.
"Where are you going, beauty?" he says, blocking the passage "Don’t you want to be with the old Kai Shaak?"
This man is drunk, thinks Hikaru. She is going to react, when she realizes that the man is lifted from the ground by someone who has suddenly taken him by the neck.
"You should not speak in this way to ladies, boy. A broken neck is a real problem, do you know it?" says a voice behind him. Kai Shaak is suddenly dropped and falls badly to the ground. Cursing, he turns and sees that was the amazon who was sitting before to catch him. And there are a lot of them in tavern. It is better to forget it. He gets up and walks away angrily.
"Thank you" says Hikaru to the amazon.
"Don’t say. Come along for a drink. Tonight I'm happy, I offer!" she hands her a mug full of beer. "Come on, drink!"
Woah, this is a whole bottle, not only a glass, thinks Hikaru, opening her eyes, surprised. She drinks since she can, then leaves the glass, half drunk.
"Beh? Did you drank so little? Are you coming from a convent boarding-school girls, little flower?" says the other, drinking her mug in one gulp. After a great '"Aaaah", she puts down her glass empty and says:
"My name is Caledonia, little flower. What's your name and where are you from?"
"Oh...I...my name is Hik…er, I mean Rukia. Rukia Aotsuki. I'm from Betelgeuse. You are an Amazon, right? "
"Do I look like Little Red Hood? What are you doing here, little flower?"
"Well...I want to be one of you!"
Caledonia, for a moment, does not believe her ears. Then bursts into laughter.
"Go home to your mom, little flower, it's late!"
"But I mean it! How do I enlist?"
The amazon sees her from top to bottom. A girl who grew up, a good habit, short hair with a red band, but she seems too much an amateur. She is going to put her away, when his gaze falls on her sword. A very well taken sword, with the care of an expert swordswoman. Perhaps I’m wrong?
"Listen, girl ... Rukia, right?" she says.
"Well, Rukia...it is not a name that sounds good (note: “Rukia” in english sound as “rookie”, amateur), but it does not count. Why do you want to come with us? The pay is good, but the risks are great "
"Well...I want to become an Amazon. That's it"
"Hmmm..." she answers, unconvinced. She does not look like a sword fighter, yet brings a very good sword. Strange. "However, you must not ask me to join our legion. You must speak with Jocasta, our captain"
"Is not Jezabel the captain?"
"What are you saying? Jezabel is the commander of all the divisions of the Amazons. We are in fact the Third Division, under the command of Jocasta"
"And your captain, where do I find her?"
“She is busy” answers Caledonia, indicating a noisy crowd of people down the hall. They are all around a table, raising glasses of beer and partying, while a woman with long blond hair is dancing on the table, accompanied by music, holding two knives that deftly she passes from hand to hand all the time, without ever fail. She moves so fast and curvy, with sudden outbursts and rapid increases, raising and lowering the knives as if they were juggling balls. She wears a bikini clad metal plates and her bare feet move by themselves, in keeping with the background music.
The enthusiastic crowd marks: "Jocasta! Jocasta! Jocasta!"
Hikaru remains puzzled at the sight, and also fascinated by the exceptional abilities of the woman. It seems impossible to be able to move those knives without missing or cutting: the dancer does not even look at them.
"Is..is…that dancer your captain?" asks Hikaru to the amazon, who is drinking another bottle of beer.
"Sure" she says, wiping his mouth "Before she entered the Amazon, she was just a dancer. Today we are off duty, and she likes to have fun as well. Everyone has their own ways"
At that moment, the music stops and Jocasta collects the two knives in one hand, bowing, before which the crowd bursts into a roar of cheers, applause and whistles.
"Thanks, guys. I'll be back later, I got thirsty" says the captain, stepping over people with a jump and landing standing between the admiration of all. Approaching to the counter, Jocasta notices a strange girl near Caledonia. Strange, she thinks, usually Caledonia makes escape everyone!
"A beer, host, move" says Jocasta to the bartender, wiping his face with a cloth. She puts the knives in the liners and faces her lieutenant.
"Who is that girl, Caledonia?"
"He wants to talk with you"
"With me?"
"Yes. She wants to become an Amazon. She is called Rukia something"
"Rukia Aotsuki, commander. Pleased to meet you" says Hikaru, greeting with a bow.
Jocasta does not answer and drinks beer from the pitcher. Once finished, resting her elbows on the counter, fixes Hikaru in the eye and says:
"Do you want to be one of us?"
"Yes," she says, firmly.
"I have no time for foreplay, we have to go away tomorrow night. Let's make it fast. Are you free tomorrow at noon?"
"Well" says the captain. Then, she turns to a point of the room and shouts: "Isparana!"
A woman with long black hair and a severe look gets up from a table and approaches to Jocasta. She tied two swords on her back. Jocasta presents her to Hikaru.
"Rukia Aotsuki, she is “Isparana-two swords”. If you want to get into us Amazons, you have to fight against her. The duel will take place tomorrow at noon, behind the Osteria del Moro. Do you agree? "
Hikaru remains scocked for a moment. She never had a sword in her hands and now she faces an expert swordswoman. It should better to give up. But the unfortunate woman answers:
"I agree" I got stuck in big trouble, this time.
"And you, Isparana?" asks Jocasta.
"No problem, Captain"
"Before returning to the table, show her how you can use the knife"
Isparana grabs a knife tied to her belt and, almost without taking aim, throws it exactly between the eyes of a stuffed animal hanging on the wall, more than ten feet away. Then he turns and goes to pick up the weapon.
"I remind you that the duel is to death" says Jocasta "Good evening"
Saying this, she goes back to the table to restart the show. Hikaru, all the time, tried to remain impassive, but at some point she realizes that she has her legs that trembled slightly. He curses herself for her fear, and leaves, greeting Caledonia and coming back in her room all upset. She knows that she will not be able to sleep at night, but at last should try. At least let’s try to be in good conditions. But how can I beat someone like her?

Later, by night, Caledonia and Jocasta talk to each other, sitting at the counter.
"How did you think to this idea of duel, captain?" asks the first, intrigued.
"Have you seen how many amazons beginners were killed in recent days? A lot of dozen. I'm sick of seeing people who enlists to be killed"
"I do not understand what this has to do with the battle of tomorrow"
"Didn’t you understand, Caledonia? I wanted to scare her, so she will run away. Like I said, I'm tired of watching the deaths of rookies"
"You have a golden heart, captain. But that woman seemed quite determined. And there's something about her that I did not understand well”
"And what should be?"
"Her tongue. Her universal translator works well, but I could not understand what its basic language. Languages are my specialty. She has to come from far, far more of Betelgeuse"
"It's not our business, Caledonia. The body of the Amazon is a kind of Foreign Legion: once entered, it does not matter a damn what you have done before. You know it"
"Yeah. Anyway, tomorrow we'll see if she will run out or not. "

In the next episode (30 January): Hikaru against Isparana.

If you wish to comment, here is the link: #entry486547532

If you want to download the whole story right here in Word format, you can click on the attachment. :nagai:

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view post Posted on 31/1/2012, 17:37     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



disegnodimichi.th michivenusiaerexcolori.th actarusjoe001col.th ataruactarustristecolor.th joe12.th ataruanticocolore.th

I thank ATARU, MICHI, ISOTTA for the pictures! :dio: :dio: :dio:

After the war against Vega, Daisuke and Hikaru were married and went to live on Fled as king and queen. However, their newborn son, Rex, was kidnapped by a mysterious being, the Dark One, who commands an exterminated army. He wants to sacrifice Rex, when, in a different day, seven stars will be aligned. Daisuke and other friends organized the rescue of Rex, chasing the crystals that can defeat the Dark One. Meanwhile, after many vicissitudes, Hikaru arrives on the planet Bespin to enlist under an assumed name (Rukia Aotsuki) in the Amazons of Jezabel, the right arm of the Dark One, to save Rex. To come together to Amazons, she must defeat in a duel the expert swordsman Isparana.

Hikaru wakes up after a restless night. She was not able to sleep well, despite her intentions. On the other hand, thinks Hikaru, how the heck could I sleep peacefully knowing that the next day surely I will be murdered? That Isparana is an expert in using the sword, while I do not even know which side is being appealed. How do I survive in a duel against her?
After a shower, clothes and breakfast (badly digested), Hikaru looks at Moro's Bar watch.
It's seven o’clock. Are missing five hours at noon. What can I do in five hours? Training? Might as well that I even bought a tombstone, so there are no problems.
She gets up, demoralized, and goes to the landlord to pay the bill, but he says there is no need to pay.
"Why?" asks Hikaru.
"You must fight today, right?"
"How do you know?"
"Everyone here knows that. They have already made a lot of bets. I am the bookmaker. Does not seem fair to make pay you, because you are allowing me to some increase in business"
What an altruistic. I am moved.
"And how much am I listed?" So, only for curiosity.
"Five to one on your victory, but no one has bet. Indeed, they even bet a thousand to one of your escape last night. The fact that you are again here this morning was a good profit for me"
Just what I need for encouragement. Not even a dog has bet on me. Thanks for the trust.
On impulse, Hikaru pulls out all the money she has and throws them on the counter.
"Well," he says, "then I bet all I can. All this money on my victory "
After all, if I lose I do not need more.
The bartender is surprised, then collects the money in a puzzled and delivers the receipt to Hikaru.
"Here you go. Congratulations"
"Not really. If I win, I'll be here and you will give me five hundred times what I bet. It will be better for you I lose. Have a good day. "
After talking, she goes away, slamming the door. The bartender remains quiet to do his accounts. No one has ever beaten an amazon in a duel.

Hikaru walks down the streets of Maul with great strides, furious.
I must find a way to beat that amazon, if I want to find Rex. Now see if there is a quiet place to try exercise with the sword.
At last, she finds an empty space, just around the market area. Before her there is a dead tree: it can be good as a fake opponent. She draws her sword, sending cuts and trying to use it as quickly as possible. After five minutes, she is already out of breath.
Handle this sword is a serious business...working muscles are necessary. I get along well because I did gymnastics from an early age in school, and country life certainly does not make you fat. But there you don’t develop the muscles to use swords. Not to mention the fighting techniques. I do not know even half. Even if I knew the use of the sword, I would be sliced in a second. I’m very disadvantaged. I can only use the commands of the Marine Spacer, damn!
She sits cross-legged, pouting, holding straight the sword, shiny and beautiful but useless.
I would share it willingly with a bazooka or a rocket launcher. The victory would be assured. But I have only this. Let’s try to use it.
Hikaru passes all morning to make rounds with the sword, with the only result of straining arms.
Better to stop, thinks Hikaru. It's already eleven. Only one hour of life, what a happy thought.
She walks silentious through the streets of the market, looking for a shred of solution, but nothing comes to mind. Nobody comes close to her because they mistake her for an amazon, because of the sword that she brings. Suddenly, she hears a bustle, a buzz, confused noises and then screams. A huge animal, like a bull, is escaped and all flee in terror. Hikaru observes the animal and acts on instinct, as it has done so many times at Rocket Ranch: looking for a rope, which is on a stand and immediately binds it to a pole: the node is done in such a way that may not be dissolved. On the other end of the rope, she forms a loop that runs as a kind of lasso. All this happens in a flash, without even thinking, as she did once to stop the horses that escaped from the enclosure. The lasso is a flight fast and wraps up the animal's head forcefully to tighten the neck. The bull-like animal is pawing the ground, stretcingh the rope, but it cannot do anything: it is a prisoner. He turns to Hikaru, running toward her, but the rope, holding out, locks it instantly, making him stand between two legs. Screams angry, but there's nothing to do. After a while, it is calm and is recaptured by the owners. Everyone applauds and thanks the mysterious woman, and Hikaru, who has recovered from the stress of the incident, smiles. She has found the solution.

Behind the Moro's bar, a crowd is in feverish anticipation. A duel not happens often, the only flaw is that it is too obvious who will win. The amazon will eat that girl in one bite, say everyone. The bartender says nothing: perhaps the girl has already escaped, although he left the money. She was so stupid to give money to me, he thinks, now if she has run away, has made a nonsense.
Jocasta, Caledonia and Isparana are expecting. Behind them, were formed a group of amazons, who are anxious to see the girl who has been so crazy to deal with Isparana, one of the best of them.
Isparana pulls out the swords and, with an instrument, carefully sharpens them. She always brings two swords, because she is accustomed to use them both, being ambidextrous. She does not say a word, while she does his job on the weapons. Even if she is with the Amazons, Isparana has always been a loner.
Caledonia turns to his superior:
"Captain, now it’s midday"
Jocasta responds:
"I thought so. She did not come. I know that this time you made a hole in the water, Caledonia"
"Strange. I was sure she would come... "
"You were wrong, obviously" Jocasta turns to the duelist "Okay, Isparana, the joke is over. That one has gone. Put away the swords."
The woman does not speak, while the other Amazons, disappointed, commenting on each other.
"Silence!" Commands Jocasta, interrupting them "Tonight we will go away, so be prepared to ..."
"Wait a minute!"
The item has blocked all at once. Hikaru, panting after a frenzied race, leans against the door frame of the back of the Moro's bar.
"Sorry I'm late. I had to do. Now I'm ready"
Everyone is amazed. Even Isparana, in his detached attitude, is surprised.
Jocasta comes close to Hikaru.
"So, you want to fight?"
"I'm here for this" replicates Hikaru.
More and more surprised, Jocasta nods to Hikaru to follow her, trying to avoid the amused gaze of Caledonia, with the air like "I told you so". In the midst of Isparana and Hikaru, Jocasta begins to speak.
"Now begins the duel between the Amazon Isparana and Rukia Aotsuki of Betelgeuse. The clash is to the death"
Jocasta retreats a few steps, holding up a hand.
"As soon as I lower this hand, you can start."
Isparana and Hikaru are studying in face, crossing their eyes: those of Isparana are cold and ruthless: they to bring to mind to Hikaru those of Jezabel. The arm is lowered and Jocasta shouts: "GO!"
Isparana grabs the hilts of her two swords, crossed in the back, to extract them, and immediately Hikaru launches an hidden rope hidden, which binds together the wrist of the amazon, before she could pull out the swords. Without giving her time to think, Hikaru brings out another rope that ties together the feet of the amazon. Pulling in a moment the ends of ropes, Hikaru causes the crash-landing of Isparana.
"Your ability with the lassos is outstanding, Hikaru" said his father, Danbei, when she was a teenager and even then, she easily captured the small calves escaping.
"Merit of the mum" she said "She taught me how to"
"Oh, yes. She was good" said Danbei, sad for a moment.

Isparana, surprised, no less than the Amazon and other spectators, looking furiously to free herself, when she is suddenly in front of the sword of Hikaru, Brisingamen, planted on the ground, and feels bound down by a foot planted firmly on the shoulder.
"And it is over, Commander. Can I join to the Amazon, now?" asks Hikaru to the astonished Jocasta.
Isparana grinds her teeth and her eyes turn white: she is in berserk mode. She breaks the ropes of Hikaru, but she was immediately stopped by the swords of the amazons, point firmly against her. Jocasta turns to the warrior:
" It is forbidden to become berserk in a duel, Isparana. You ought to know. Have you lost. Retire"
The amazon, though seething with impotent fury, cannot replicate. She bows to Jocasta and walks away without looking at anyone.
"Why did not you kill her, Rukia?" asks Jocasta.
"It's not my style" replies Hikaru.
"Bad thing. Meanwhile, killing is a duty for an amazon. Remember that. Also, beware of Isparana: you have humiliated her, and she will not forgive you"
"Patience, I'll be on guard. Can I come with you now? "
Jocasta reflects a moment. She seems easy to overlook, she thinks, but she is full of resources. Better keep an eye on.
"Okay, I will put on trial. Collect your things, we leave tonight "
"To Darkhold. Jezabel has ordered an assembly. "
Hikaru did not expect. Tonight, then, she will be able to leave where he is Rex. But Jezabel is there: if she is discovered, she is dead. I will have to be careful, thinks.
"Why did you come late?" asks Caledonia, who had taken a liking to that girl simple but bold.
"I had to find suitable ropes, and I went round all the stalls in the market."
Caledonia smiles. This girl has a lot of imagination. Then look at Jocasta, who is dark in the face.
"Come, Captain, it seems that this Rukia will manage after all"
"She is a beginner even if she has won, Caledonia. She will be killed at the first encounter. Too bad for her. He has intelligence, but that's not enough to survive. Please gather all. Tonight we leave for Darkhold. "
"And the matter of the city of Zuagir?"
"It’s on our way, so we'll stop there. It will be a baptism of fire for many, and several amazon will die. However, in this world only the strong survives. Do as I told you. "
Jocasta goes away, under the bewildered eyes of Caledonia.
It is since we left Darkhold which she is in a bad mood. The relaxation of yesterday was not enough. Who knows what happened.

The bartender looks around and then sneaks away from the Moro's bar. He must deliver an amount disproportionate to Hikaru and he prefers to run away quickly. His men will tend to store; he will back when things will be a little quieter. He heads for the station through an alley. Suddenly, he sees a person with a sword that was waiting. Looking back, he realizes that two other people are close to the exit from the alley. It 'a trap. Hikaru says:
"Go somewhere?"
"Look" says the bartender "you have not fought with the sword. It is not a victory, it is a fraud. I cannot pay you, okay? "
The blade of a knife appears from behind, leaning on his throat. It is the captain of the Amazons’ knife.
"Do you realize you're insulting me?" says Jocasta "I said that she has won, and you contradict me. I do not like being contradicted, you know?" she concludes, as the knife brings out a trickle of blood from the throat of the host.
"Calm down, Captain" says Caledonia "Maybe he did not say seriously. Maybe he was joking. True? "
The bartender has no choice and complains:
"Please ... that's all ... I do not do this to me ... at least give me a discount."
"Well, it is possible…" says Hikaru.
"No way, Hikaru" responds tough Jocasta "The debts must be paid. Furthermore, I know well this worm: he is not only a bartender, he is also a money lender and pawnbroker. It's a long time I wanted to settle accounts with him" Turning to the bartender, she says grimly: "I want to enjoy this moment until the end. I want you to pay for all the girls who have ruined. You'll pay all. All. Until the last penny"
The landlord gives a strangled groan.

The hooded one suddenly enters the weapons store of Manji, the gunsmith. He looks up, surprised. At this time of night, it is unlikely that there are customers. That hooded man is not a customer. He feels that he is dangerous. With a nod, the ten giant guards watch carefully the stranger, placing their hands on the hilt of their swords.
"Good evening," said the gunsmith, suspiciously. "What do you want?"
The hooded turns and locks the door. Then he answers:
"Only speak with you"
The men are approaching threatening, but the hooded one does not even notice them. He walks toward the counter and puts her hands on the table. Female hands. Manji understand.
"Are you an amazon?”
Taking off her cap and cloak, falling to the ground, the hooded woman is revealed as a black-haired woman, with smooth and long hairs and two swords fixed on her back.
"Yes, I am an amazon. You can call me Isparana."
"What do you want from me?"
"No way. I just sell weapons. Gentlemen, take her to the door"
A sword comes down like a guillotine sidesaddle behind her, but it is quickly stopped by another sword, which Isparana has pulled out without looking. Soon after, she jumps up on the counter and pulls out the second sword. Raise one leg, like a crane, putting swords in a fixed position for a moment. Everyone is paralyzed, with sword in hand, not knowing what to do.
"None of you shall go out of here alive" says Isparana.
The amazon jumps through the store and, in a flash, leaves trails of red blood in the air. All die in an instant.
"This is the Dance of the two swords. Few men have seen it, you should feel honored"
Manji tries to escape, but a sword plants suddenly before him, sticking in the wall of wood. Then he hears something sharp that is touching his back. Turning up slowly, he sees the mysterious woman who has the other sword against his back.
"I’m very good also with only a sword. Do you want to see?"
"N ... no"
"Hands on the table."
The gunsmith, trembling, puts his hands on the table, staring at the woman.
"You have killed them all ..." he stammers.
"What kind of gunsmith you are. Good to give arms, but not good to know who uses them. Should I die at the hands of those incapable? Do not confuse amazons with the beginners who die in the first clashes. We are a foreign legion, and they send us in the most dangerous places in the universe, where only the toughest survive. You do not even have an idea of what I faced."
"Who ... who are you?"
"Isparana is my name, I said. But this does not count. I did a search and I found that yesterday a woman came here to ask a sword. A sword bright and accurate, that could only come from here. Who was that woman?"
"I... I don’t know ... I did not even know her name. She is a friend of Emeraldas"
"The pirate woman?"
Still more strange, she thinks. That Rukia is one of Betelgeuse, it is clear. And she is a friend of Emeraldas?
"Do you know something else about her?" asks Isparana.
"No...no, really...Why you want to know?"
"She defeated me, and I don’t like it. I want to know who she is and where she comes from. And if you cannot tell me other, you are no more useful"
The sword begins to penetrate into the chest of the gunsmith, who, panicked, shouts:
"Wait! Maybe ... maybe I know something about her!"
"How do I know that is not a lie?"
"Believe me, it's the truth ... do not kill me and I'll tell you everything!"
This worm is too scared to lie.
"Okay" Isparana withdraws the sword, but always keeping it pointed at Manji. "Go ahead. Speak."
"She wanted...he wanted to pay me, I refused because she was a friend of Emeraldas and when she opened the bag, she had dropped a piece of a necklace. Very rich. Very rare. Obsidian real. "
"Hmmm" the amazon is thoughtful "And so?"
"This material – obsidian real – is only Fleedian. And it is precious, typical only of the kings of Fleed, upon a time. "
Isparana for a moment feels dizzy. Fleed. The royal palace. Jezabel was in Fleed a few days ago and destroyed the palace. Everyone knows, even if nobody talks about this for fear, that was the queen of Fleed to scar Jezabel on the face. Does that mean that Rukia is the queen Hikaru of Fleed? Who is coming here under false pretenses? To recover, perhaps his son, who Jezabel had kidnapped? It is an absurd hypothesis, it seems like a novel. But ... but ...
Isparana dismissed entirely his sword. Manji is breathing a sigh of relief.
"What you said is interesting. Give me the sword that I planted there and I will go away."
The gunsmith executes immediately, happy to have survived. Isparana turns and puts the cap, ready to leave. Then turns around and tells Manji:
"I forgot. You know what I said before, right?"
"Eh? W. .. what? "
"I said I will let no one come out of here alive. No one."
The sword snaps fast and plants against the wall, piercing the gunsmith Manji and killing him instantly. Isparana collects and puts the sword in its sheath.
"I do not leave any witnesses, Manji. Thanks for the information."
On leaving, she locked the shop door, putting up the sign: "CLOSED".
A man with three swords approaches her. He has three earrings in his right ear. He addresses Isparana and asks:
"Hey, is already closed?"
"Oh, yes. I'm sorry. "She says.
"Well, I will come back tomorrow" says the other, moving away.
You will have to wait a long time, pal, thinks Isparana, as she heads toward the headquarters of the Amazons.

Next, 10 February: A new confrontation is preparing for one of the companions of Duke Fleed!

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view post Posted on 10/2/2012, 13:23     +1   -1

Ill.mo Fil. della Girella



Due to work commitments "All about Grendizer" on Gonagainet, I have to pause the translation of this fanfiction...I hope to resume it as soon as possible. :fascio:

Sorry for the inconvenience... :29784128hj5.gif:
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